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Max Daniels

Life Coach · Oakland, California/Marblehead, Massachusetts

Max Daniels is a research-based life coach who focuses on helping people completely stop bingeing, dieting and overeating. A graduate of Wellesley College, Max received her life coach training and certification from Martha Beck, PhD. Max is a devoted knitter and lover of the finer things in fiber. Max can be found at, where you can subscribe to her lively emails.

You can find Max’s new book Meals at Mealtimes: Rapid Recovery from Binge Eating here!

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Contributions From Max Daniels

Shelf care: Summer reading edition

Self-care can look an awful lot like curling up with a good book.

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Self-care: Beyond the Souvenir

The best souvenir you can bring home…

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Self Care to Go

Travel will be a breeze, when you do this.

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Self-Care: Scarcity and Abundance

One Weird Tip for managing our pre-modern brain in the modern world.

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Self-care Continuity: And You Don’t Stop

The power to brighten our worlds, right here in the comments section.

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Self-Care Express: The Win File

Break your brain's need for negativity with one small trick. Really.

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Self-care Express: Word of the Year

What's your guiding word for 2024? You'll be surprised at how powerful it can be for you.

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Self-care: Holidays Without Emergency

Let’s not rehash all the myriad ways holidays can go off the rails, shall we?

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Self-care: Dopamine and the Thrill of the Chase

We are all looking for something that makes us feel good ... and for balance.

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Self-care Express: The Setup

Bust out of project paralysis in a few minutes. Here's how.

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Self-care Express: HIIT for the Home

That's High Intensity Interval Tidying—a game-changing, magical reframe.

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Self-care Express: Almost Autumn

Let’s make a list of everything we want to do before everything goes pumpkin spice on us.

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Self-care: My Golden Keys

A few principles helpful for living well and making imperfect-but-good-enough decisions.

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Self-care: WOTY Check in!

We’re halfway through 2023. How’s it going with your Word of the Year?

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Self-care Express: Knitting!

More reasons to feel good about your knitting—come share how knitting makes you feel good.

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Self-care: Hurts So Good

What is it about those sensations that feel good only after you stop?

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Self-care Express: What Are We Here for Again?

Get ready to go forth and shine.

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Self-care Express: Love Your Feet

Three paths to happy heels and toes.

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Self-care: A Simple Plan for 2023

Three ideas for getting your year off to a great start ... or restart!

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Self-care Celebration! Your Year in Review

Making a list and opening a space for planning in 2023.

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Self-care: Let’s Talk About Gratitude

Heading into the holiday season with shared wisdom and compassion.

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Equinoctial Self-care: Everything Must Go!

Thought experiment or full-on wardrobe overhaul—it's up to you.

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Self-care: On Not Keeping Up

... or On Dropping Out to Tune In.

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Self-care: Into the Body

Three paths to bring attention into your body.⁠

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Self-care: Low- or No-cost Vacation Hacks

Cheaper holidays = more holidays.

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You’re Invited: Second Annual Odious Tasks Party

Some tasks can be done alone, and some can’t. We’re here to help each other.

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Self-kindness: Upgrade Your Thinking

Get that windbag, the Inner Critic, to shut up and shove off.

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Self-care: Morning Begins at Night

Pull out the bells and Blue Willow—ideas for evening routines and rituals.

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Self-care: How to Create a Morning Routine

... and why you might want to.

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Self-care: Pass It On

... or Mom's Little Cliff Notes for Life

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Instead of Resolutions, Just a Word

A touchstone for the 2022 you want to build.

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Self-care: Warm for the Winter

Goal: 100 low-cost or no-cost ideas for your hibernation station.

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Barn-raising in the 21st Century

It takes a village—Part 37.

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Shelf-Care Modern Classics: Burnout

The antidote to stress.

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Self-care: Summer of Pods

A golden age of honest human stories.

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Self-care: “This relationship isn’t meeting my needs!”

Hmmm. What are relationships actually for?

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Post-Covid Self-care for Introverts and Others

Re-entry at your own pace.

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Self-care: Revisiting the Personal Inventory Day

Oh, hey: How’s my side of the street looking?

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Self-care on Repeat: The Art of Organizing

When you find yourself tripped up by the basics.

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Self-Care: Carrying On

Still we persist, somehow: Self-carrying on.

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Self-Care: Kitchen Edition

Meals for days.

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Self-Care in Checkbox Form

I've got everything here in my little book.

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Best of 2020: From Max with Love

Simple, powerful shifts for a stronger 2021.

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Self-Care: Going Small

Go big for the holidays? If there was ever a year to go small…

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Self-Care: Shelf Love

Read some, do less, feel better.

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Self-Care: Rumspringa for a Day

Freedom to explore—aimlessly.

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Boundaries for Self-Care

Control isn't the goal.

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Self-Care: Everything Must Go

A seasonal reset for your self-care.

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Self-Care in Fiction

Good reads for the splendid isolation of a lawn chair.

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Self-Care: Lessons from Quarantine

What I'll take with me into the post-quarantine world.

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Self-Care and Social Isolation

How a life coach is coping right now.

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Self-Care and the Single Knitter

Is self-care spoiling our chances with anyone else?

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What’s for Lunch?

Salad and self-care.

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2020: Planning for Self-Care

A new year is coming.

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Self-Care: What to Say to Yourself in the Middle of the Night

Three things that work way better than frantic Googling.

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The Self-Care Care Package

Infinitely customizable! Free delivery.

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Self-Care: The Circle of Care

The time to nurture our network is now.

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13 Self-Care Things That Also Care for Others

More hands, more laughs, more soup—and less work.

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Self-Care: Get French Quick

Tips, tricks, and love letters from France.

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Self-Care: Discovering Your Life Purpose

Is that actually...necessary?

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Self-Care: The Weekly Chicken

Not just for Sunday lunch anymore. Talking with friends can be such a balm.

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The Self-Care Closet Clear-Out

The busy woman's guide to the wardrobe clear-out. You'll be done in an hour or two.

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Self-Care: Shutting Down Negative Body Talk

How to silence the inner Mean Girl.

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Is It Self-Care, or Just Aspiration?

Toward a cheaper, less consumerist self-care.

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Self-Care Inventory Day

Nothing but love and self-care on this list.

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Self-Care Summer Camp

Four DIY ideas for friends.

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Shelf Cultivation: A Self-Care Reading List

A virtual library for us.

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Self-Care: Permission to Eat, Granted

Despite what diet culture would have us believe, we’re allowed to eat. Anything, and often.

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In Case of Self-Care Emergency: Don’t Break Glass

Or throw dishes, or snap the good hairbrush in two. Instead, do this.

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Self-improvement, or Self-cultivation?

The difference: one is for you, one is against you.

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Self-care: 100 Free or Low-cost Ideas

These are just suggestions, and they are only the beginning.

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A Knitter’s Halloween in Salem

Women with special powers are known all over the world. But only one place—Salem, Massachusetts—is proud to call itself Witch City.

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Self-Care: Buying Ourselves a Little Time

The Buffer Phrase: It won’t get you out of jail for free, but it will buy you a little time to pull together your defense.

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Self-Care: Ups and Downs

Some days are better than others, and a great thing to do on a good day is get better set up for a bad one.

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Self-Care: Not An Either/Or

Self-care or caring for others? It's not an either/or.

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Self-Care: The Power of Routine

An interview with self-care coach Gracy Obuchowicz.

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Productivity: The Body Is Not a Factory

Max Daniels is back with another installment of her series on self-care. Just can’t stand to be “unproductive?” Read this.

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Self-Care: Rest

In times of unrest, rest becomes even more important.

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Self-Care: Winning Custody of our Emotions

Care of the innermost self. A few questions to ask, before your serenity is spirited away.

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Inner Self-Care: Ninja Techniques

You can make a show of self-care, and why not? But you can also do it ninja-style, and be sneaky. (Pictured: Not a ninja.)

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The Self-Care Menu

Not a chore list, or a set of obligations. On this menu, there are only good choices.

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The Smartest Self-Care Move: Don’t Go on a Diet on January 2

Your body may naturally want to follow a feast with a little break. But it won’t respond well to famine.

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If Self-care Is So Great, Why Isn’t Everyone Doing It?

Why it’s just so hard to put ourselves at the top of the list. And why we must.

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Self-care: Not a Special Treat

Treats, like a day at the beach, are by definition an occasional thing. Self-care? Can actually be every day.

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‘Self-care’: What Are We Really Talking About?

Introducing Max Daniels, sensible life coach.

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