MDK Gems: Jill Draper + Thea Colman

Fairly Common Recent Scenario: Your sister just sent you six pounds of artisanal fudge—MERRY CHRISTMAS SISTER—and you haven’t quite thought about what to give her.
How about a quick set of handmade mitts, made with one of the world’s great hand-dyed yarns?
Yes, my procrastinating-yet-well-intentioned friends, we have a bonus MDK Gems, Holiday Emergency Edition, for you.
This brand-new offering solves the eternal conundrum of: a) I want to make a meaningful, heartfelt, handmade, heartwarming gift and b) I have maybe three days to do it.
The Deal
Order any quantity of Jill Draper’s hand-dyed, small-batch, tone-shifting Windham yarn. It is made in the U.S. It is dreamy.

With your order, we’ll give you a 100% free ebook download of the jolliest of Field Guides—yes, the one by the extremely clever Thea Colman. MDK Field Guide No. 8: Merry Making. (A $9.95 value.)
This offer runs through Friday, December 8, while supplies last. We’ve brought in six colors of Windham—so you could get a veritable rainbow of gifts going. Hop on this soon, given our somewhat limited supply.
This whole Field Guide is stacked, very deliberately, with quick patterns aimed at gift giving. (See them all here.)
We stand firmly behind the Appleseed Mitts as the fast road to a gift that looks superfancy yet is not hard to make. You’ll need one skein of Windham to make a pair.
Please read “The Case for Fingerless Mitts” in case you are in doubt about the value and functionality of these particular handknit items.

Is a pair of mitts a thumb too far? How about the coaster version of the Appleseed Mitts? The pattern for this charmer is in Field Guide No. 8: Merry Making, too.

Thea Colman’s love of texture patterns is easy to tap into with these little squares. And a skein of Windham will get you a righteous stack of coasters that will show your sister that a) you care, b) you’re aware that her tabletops need protecting and c) you can lay down a proper twisty-stitch pattern with the best of ’em.

To Recap
This Emergency Edition MDK Gem runs through Friday, December 8. Order up any quantity of Jill Draper’s Windham, and we’ll include the ebook for Field Guide No. 8: Merry Making.
Love this! Who doesn’t love Jill and Thea?
Glad you brought up that book. I’ve had it a long time and still think those mitts are the best out there.
How many skeins of Wyndam yarn do you need to make the fingerless mitts?
One skein! Thanks for asking, Kay. I added that handy bit of info to the post.
A match made in heaven! The Windham is gorgeous.
Mitten, mittens, mittens. You can never have enough pairs of mittens!
I always add “matching” nail polish when I give mitts. Easy way to add a little fun!
What great patterns! And just in time, too. Ordering ….