Caroline Leavitt
Caroline Leavitt is the New York Times bestselling author of twelve novels, including Pictures of You and Cruel Beautiful World. Her latest book is With or Without You (2020). Caroline’s essays have appeared in The Daily Beast, Modern Love in the New York Times, New York Magazine, and Real Simple. She has been knitting since she was in the Brownies, and she can be reached through www.carolineleavitt. com.
Contributions From Caroline Leavitt

Purls of Wisdom
How knitting unspools grief and helps loss in prison, in the outside world, and in the author's upcoming novel.
Read More about Purls of Wisdom
Saving Myself Stitch by Stitch
The intricate sweaters she made her first husband didn’t keep him from leaving her but instead, made her give up knitting for years. Then COVID-19 struck.
Read More about Saving Myself Stitch by Stitch