You’ve Got Snippets: February 10, 2024

Dear Knitter,
Welcome to your Saturday!
All aboard: we’re heading to Iceland! MDK Field Guide No. 26: Moss, with designs by Hélène Magnússon, is here. We are overjoyed, overcaffeinated, and overexcited to cast on these extraordinary designs.
Order your copy right here. It’s available in a print + ebook edition and an ebook-only edition.
First things first, what are we going to knit? Flip through our brand-new Field Guide No. 26 Lookbook or jump straight into the One-Stop Shop to see the two new yarns we’ve brought into the MDK Shop for this Field Guide. MDK Field Guide Subscribers have shopped these yarns so enthusiastically that we’ve already had to restock—so get in there and have a ball.
What’s Ahead (So Much!)
We have frankly outdone ourselves in terms of cool stuff related to this divine little book. We invite you to join us for all of it.
Launch party on Zoom!
This Monday, February 12, noon Eastern time. Hélène Magnússon will join us from Iceland to celebrate the publication of this Field Guide. Expect a great conversation, a fair amount of questions from Ann about lava, and the giving of door prizes—must be present to win, as they say. This event is free; register here and we’ll email a link to you on Monday.
Bang Out a Sweater 2024!
Beginning March 1, our epic knit-a-whole-sweater-in-a-month extravaganza is back, starring the Crowberry Sweater. Stay tuned for details on this exhilarating MDK tradition.
Virtual Workshop with Lorilee Beltman!
During March, legendary teacher Lorilee Beltman will lead three in-depth sessions on the making of a sweater, in particular the Crowberry Sweater. Lorilee is a dream of a teacher, and you’ll leave this class with tons of wisdom and new skills. Even if you’re already a sweater knitter, you’ll gain a lot from this class. Sign up here: Bang Out a Sweater Virtual Workshop.
Meanwhile …
We had a big time on MDK this week.
Erika Knight! Is! So! Good! And this month’s MDK Gems is all about Erika. Here’s our special offer: order any quantity of MDK Atlas yarn, and we’ll send you a free ebook download of Field Guide No. 20: Atlas, featuring 5 stunning designs by Erika Knight. Order now through Monday, February 12, to get in on this deal.
Although historically relegated to “women’s work,” textiles have always been art, and they’ve always been political. Jeni Hankins took us with her to a fascinating exhibit at the Tate Modern, no less.
Good heavens, this was a Grammy moment for all time.
Need to keep your eyes on your knitting? Adrienne Martini recommends an immersive experience for your ears.
As ever, we thank you all for supporting MDK through thick and thin. Every morning, we bring the best writers, teachers, and knitting to you, free of charge. This is only possible because of your purchases from the MDK Shop—thank you!
Questions? Email us anytime at, and you’ll get a prompt personal response from a real live MDK person.
Stay healthy, take care of each other, and knit on.
Ann and Kay
Meet Moss
It’s finally here! After a swirl of yarns and ideas flying from Iceland and France to Nashville to New York, today’s the day we introduce a new collection of utterly captivating designs by Hélène Magnússon. Please give a big hello to Field Guide No. 26: Moss.
Scroll down to see them all, or view Lookbook 26 for a shoppable, visual snack of all the projects and yarns in the Field Guide.

About those yarns. They’re made with wool from Icelandic sheep. They are not like other yarns. We’re so fascinated.

Love Story Einband is the fruit of Hélène’s imagination: a laceweight yarn, in Icelandic lambswool.

Plotulopi is yarn that Icelanders love best: airy, light, warm as toast.
February Gems
Outstanding fun! For this month’s MDK Gems, three things we adore: The designs of Erika Knight, MDK Atlas Yarn, and MDK Field Guide No. 20: Atlas.

Order any quantity of MDK Atlas yarn, and we’ll give you a free download of MDK Field Guide No. 20: Atlas. The download link will appear in your confirmation email. Offer good through Monday, February 12, 2024.