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I’m kind of a sucker for systems or plans that solve problems.

I’ve tried plenty of them, and abandoned plenty of them. But in the past couple of years, I’ve become a disciple of a system that has helped me solve a problem that had previously been highly resistant.

I think that overall there should be a lot less talk and concern about weight and fatness and thinness. It’s so reductive, so dehumanizing. It’s also boring and ineffectual. But a couple of years ago, I was exasperated and a little panicky about putting on weight despite being active and moderate and all that. Someone told me about the Whole30, and I tried it for 30 days (that’s the “30” in Whole30).

I feel better.

I’m lighter.

I’m a better cook and food shopper, and I don’t waste my life worrying about what I’m eating/not eating, or what the scale says.

The program is available for free at the Whole30 website. There’s an engaged community, on Instagram and elsewhere on the Internet, serving up meal ideas and support in a friendly, non-obnoxious way.

Even dear Judy of @judyschickens has joined in; her Whole30-fied Shepherd’s Pie is scrumptious.



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