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Dear all,

Greetings from Rosemont, Illinois, where Kay and I are taking part in the newly hatched craft industry trade show, h+h Americas.

You may recall the recent report Franklin Habit gave us of his wandering the aisles at h+h: Cologne.

This h+h show is not like that show—it’s the handy human-scale version. It’s only the second year of this show, and our first to attend due to our pandemic reluctance last year.

We’re getting plenty of steps, and it’s a continuing puzzle how Kay can end up with half a mile more steps when we are taking the same path together the entire day. Is she sneaking out to the parking lot for a smoke? Does pacing happen in the bathroom? Kay, how is this possible?

Also a continuing phenomenon: people thinking I’m Kay or Kay is me. It’s all so confusing, this human interaction for the first time in three years.

But the happy vibe here is giving everybody a boost, I think. This is a tricky business in many ways, but when everybody sees everybody else, we’re all reminded of why we do this.

Accidental encounters are what this sort of thing are all about. Last night we ended up having dinner with our Nashville friend Meg Strong, she of Haus of Yarn fame, then singing “Rocket Man” at the top of our lungs at an outdoor concert with a tribute band starring somebody named Elton Rohn. Did not see that one coming.

What Are We Doing At This Thing?

Talking, hugging, scheming, dreaming, reuniting with a ton of people who say the same thing we keep saying: “It’s been too long.” New faces, new yarns, new possibilities abound.

Run awaaaaaaaay! Yarn whisperer Jillian Moreno, me, founder Amy Singer, Kay, and Knitter’s Weekend contributor Gale Zucker. Photo by Yliana Tibitoski

As ever, the more we get together, the happier we’ll be.

Meanwhile, Knitalong Update

The conversation has begun over in the MDK Lounge, where everybody’s getting started on the Turnstile Wrap (Olga Buraya-Kefelian’s design in Field Guide No. 24: Spark). Plenty of time to jump in and join us—all the details are here. And we will be awarding random prizes, so you’ll want to get in on that.

I tragically left my Turnstile Wrap project at home, which means I’m exactly six rows into it at this point rather than the juicy airplane knitting I’d been anticipating.

Just to clear the air, because I know you’re wondering: what color is my Turnstile Wrap going to be? It was easy, this choice. I beelined straight for it.

Canton. It has to be Canton, this tropical, half-of-a-HoJo logo, seaside funhouse color. It’s what it’s all about with Neighborhood Fiber Co.’s Organic Studio DK. I get it that a lot of you are going subtle and sophisticated with your pick, but not meeeeee.

Neighborhood Fiber Co. Organic Studio DK. Pick your color here.

A big hello to Jinka McLaurin, the proprietor of Loopville Yarns in Knoxville, Tennessee. She’s a longtime Field Guides stockist. We had a great time discussing the merits and tricky bits of the Turnstile Wrap—she’s doing hers in Noro, which adds a lot of color action to the project.

And finally, up top is a scrumtrelescent array of sweaters from the good folks at Istex, the makers of Lopi, Léttlopi, Plotulopi, Stuffed Crust Lopi, and Espresso Martini Lopi. The visionary designer of all this glory, Védis Jónsdóttir, was a delight.


  • Shock horror dismay. Wait a minute. That’s because of the dragon. I thought it was because you forgot your knitting

  • Half of a Hojo logo! Snorted my coffee!

  • My best friend and I had a similar step count discussion while in Orlando together. Ours was more exaggerated. Our conclusion? I’m 5’10”, she’s 5’1″, and she’s taking more steps to cover the same distance.

    • My thoughts exactly. Stride lengths differ from person to person.

    • Was going to say the same thing!!

    • Of course that’s it. As a tall person with several short walking partners, I’ve experienced this many times.

    • I was thinking the same thing as I read – my husband is 6’2′ and I’m 5’7″.

  • how was the Espresso Martini Lopi? Sounds delish

    • I’m all in for espresso martini lopi

  • Forgot your knitting?
    Someday I may have a tattoo on my left arm/hand that says
    “keys, glasses, wallet, and knitting”

  • Wait….how have I missed all those other versions of Lopi?? Must go shopping!!!

  • Isn’t Kay the shorter person Ann? If so, it would take here more steps to go the same distance as you.

  • I think coming up with a knit or crochet version of that creature would be awesome. Talk about supersize amurigami!!!!

  • Ooh; yarn, knitters and a fire breathing lizard. Sounds like so much fun! Would love to hear and see more!

  • I’m a shortie, Kay may not be one generally, but next to you she is! Short legs need more steps to go the same distance, Ann it’s all about gauge!
    Great post. I love the lopi & happy people pics.

    • “It’s all about gauge!” The absolute truth. Love it!

      • OK y’all, I totally get why Kay would have more steps than me–my husband and I have the same issue. But his distance and mine are the same when we check our apps to see how far we went. With Kay, [insert italics of mystification here] she went a half mile farther than I did.

        • It sounds like our neighbor dog-walking his two dogs. Ralph calmly walks alongside, matching Bob step for step; Dobbie’s progress is wildly circular while propelling himself forward. Lots more steps, but also more distance. Does Kay go in circles?

        • Ok, a half mile IS baffling!

  • I had no idea that the Lopi producers had so many types of yarn. Love hearing your comments about H & H . I live near Chicago, wish you could have found time to create a get together and talk knitting. Maybe next time you’re in town

  • It has been a while since we were last in Rosemont. BUT, the parking garage between the Double Tree Hotel and Parkway Bank Park had the MOST incredible artwork of the Masters, complete with roses, done by art students. Hope it’s still there and that it is still awesome! Happy knitting.

  • So. “Steps” As others have said – stride length. But it’s also about how forceful you walk, and how animated you are with your hands. You can earn “steps” from chopping veggies or herbs! Big chefs knife and some gusto – you can run a mini marathon. And if you walk slowly, calmly, or with your hands in your pockets, the steps won’t easily count. Maybe Kay is more animated!! Telling stories and gestering how big her denim yarn collection is! Or telling a story, and Ann is walking along, thinking yep, denim yarn. You know what I mean? If I walk with my husband, slow walker – I earn no steps. If I am pushing my friend in her wheeelchair, no steps. If I am telling a story, pushing that wheelchair, pushing her ahead and gestering. Steps!! So tell stories, get animated! use some gusto. Those steps will count. Happy 4th everyone.

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