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Dear Kay,

A good podcast is like a hangout with people you really enjoy. I’ve plugged in recently to the mighty women of Pom Pom Quarterly, whose Pomcast is a groove of rambling-in-a-charming-way conversation with interesting folks in the knitting world.

Recently, Lydia Gluck and Sophie Scott corralled Tom van Deijnen, whose site Tom of Holland has been a favorite rabbit hole of mine for a while. Visible mending, darning, making things last by taking care of them. Tom is the sort of guy who will knit an old-school gansey on size 1 needles, just to see how it goes.

(Here’s a classic Tom post about a brilliant weaver and dyer, Ethel Mairet.)

Most thrilling is the fact that I got to hear Tom say his last name: it’s van dinin’. Man, did I have that wrong.

Listen up:

Breaking news revealed in this Pomcast: Pom Pom co-founder Meghan Fernandes recently had a baby, Sabine. We met Meghan at the yarn show in Washington in June, and I have to say I was pretty sure she was expecting something. Sending joyful congratulations to Meghan and family on creating a new target for tiny little handknits. Sleep later! Babies are babies only for a minute.




  • One of my favorite podcasts! Yes they’re silly sometimes, but I usually come away learning about something. Their “Knitter’s you should know” segment is brilliant and I happen to really enjoy the magazine as well!

    Audio and video podcasts are a huge part of my crafting (and other) entertainment. I probably spend about 20-40 hours per week keeping up with them, going back and forth between audio books and podcasts. Sometimes I wish my commute to work was longer!

  • I love Pom Pom! Both magazine and podcast. They are a pleasure in every way.

  • Ann and Kay, I really enjoy your daily posts. Thanks for the great bits of news. I’ll be checking out the Pomcast today.

    I wanted to comment on the Chartreuse posts of the last couple of days. I was watching Guys and Dolls last night and noticed there was a whole lot of Chartreuse going on in the Technicolor goodness of that movie. There seemed to be a pop of Chartreuse in every scene. Check it out!

    • Oh, Guys and Dolls, one of the all time great movies. Now I’ll have to watch it tonight. I’m guessing Nicely Nicely has some chartreuse action….

      • As I recall there is also a lot of brown and maroon and red. Delightful!

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