Red Alert: Colorwash Scarf Knitalong Begins Now!
The only cure for chronic startitis is MORE STARTING. Come cook up a quick Colorwash Scarf with us.
The more we knit together, the happier we'll be.
The only cure for chronic startitis is MORE STARTING. Come cook up a quick Colorwash Scarf with us.
Evolving a design for her new Field Guide cowl, from Norway to Nashville.
When you knit without swatching, blocking is even more exciting than usual.
A painting can be a map for knitting.
I felt like I was just getting started, then whammo: I'm done? Already?
A new knitalong is coming: something fast and fun to celebrate Spring. (But first: finish that sweater.)
NBA MVP Stephen Curry takes a spin with James Corden. He can shoot, but can he sing?
Small-town eccentric reports a possible murder, but he's the real mystery.
Come celebrate spring with the most vibrant yarns and clever patterns that let them shine.
A report from Mt. Intarsia, Base Camp 1. Oxygen level: high. Confidence: maximal.
Part One of a brief history of England's inventive handknitting magazine and yarn company.
Next year: in the same place, with the same food, and the same people.