How To
How to MDK
Dear everybody,
We’d like to take you on a quick tour. In the words of Willy Wonka, “Little surprises around every corner, but nothing dangerous. Don’t be alarmed.” There’s lots to see!
Something New Every Day
We publish something new every day of the week. Bookmark the MDK homepage and check in each morning. And sign up for Snippets, our Saturday newsletter with all the week’s posts, right here, and you’ll receive 10 percent off your next order in the MDK Shop.
If you’re truly committed, check the New Post Notifications box when you sign up for Snippets, and you’ll get a daily email from us.
The MDK Shop
We spend a huge amount of time working on our offerings in the MDK Shop.

If we love it, we try to figure out how to make it available to you. Special yarns. Handmade bags. Hard-to-find books. Clever notions and tools. And Field Guides.
MDK Field Guides

MDK Field Guides are the little books at the core of what we’re doing at MDK.
Every so often, we publish a Field Guide that presents a small collection of designs by the most creative designers in the knitting world. We are incredibly proud of these books—26 and counting—and we are heartened that they have been welcomed by knitters all over the world.
We invite you to join us in the world of these Field Guides. We do Field Guide knitalongs. We offer the yarns featured in each Field Guide. We host workshops starring Field Guide designers.
Subscribe now—lots of benefits await you.
If you’re collecting Field Guides, build your collection here, and save 15 percent when you bundle three or more Field Guides.
The Rabbit Holes
Our Departments are the four links across the top of every MDK page: Shop, How To, Patterns, Read.

In these Departments, you’ll find thousands of posts. Quick and clear how-to tutorials. Music to knit to. A great sheet pan supper recipe. Where to buy yarn in Norway. Fly-on-the-wall project posts. Yarn talk. There’s no end to it. We hear of knitters who dive into a Department, ditch work, and come out a month later, forever changed.
The MDK Pattern Library
For the first time, we’ve created a searchable resource containing every single Field Guide pattern and MDK pattern.

You’ll see pattern information as well as tutorials and MDK posts about each design. It’s a new way to explore the dozens of designs we’ve published.
Discover the writers who are teaching us, amusing us, showing us beautiful things. When you visit Contributors, you’ll see everybody who contributes to MDK.
Click on a person, and you’ll find a complete list of their MDK pieces. It’s a great way to dig deep into, say, the patterns that catch the eye of Dana Williams-Johnson. The how-tos of Patty Lyons. The books that Franklin Habit loves. A wealth of self-help from Max Daniels.
Your Account
Register right here, and you’ll be able to bookmark articles for later reference. You can check on your orders. You can participate in the Lounge.
We have a lot of new things on the horizon, and we hope you’ll come along with us on this journey that seems to lead us all deeper into our connections with each other. We love to knit as much as you do, and we love even more the chance to share all these things with you.
Kay and Ann