Here We Go! Let’s All Knit Erika Knight

Today we dive into a fantastic adventure: a knitalong of the designs of Erika Knight, whose five patterns in Field Guide No. 20: Atlas are tempting us mightily. We hope you’ll join us for a season of knitting that soothes the soul. It’s been rough to wait until launch date to knit these designs, so we have a lot of pent-up energy right now. A bustling beehive of knitting is on the horizon! C’mon!
Start date: Today!
Grand finale: Friday, May 28
Project? Any of Erika Knight’s five designs from Field Guide No. 20: Atlas.
Yarn? Whatever you like, as with all our knitalongs. Our Atlas yarn is the yarn that appears in this Field Guide, so we’ll just say that we think it’s a fine option.
How to Join In
Pick a project from Field Guide No. 20: Atlas. Get your yarn game figured out, and cast on!
Which Project?
Truly, Erika has given us knitting for every knitter. Clicking on the links will take you to the pattern pages on, where you can find knitted measurements, yardage requirements, and cool stuff like that.
Easy Yet Dazzling: Escalator Scarf. Inventive, twisty cables and ladders, wow.

Meditative: Old Friend Pullover. As cozy a sweater as we’ve seen. Stockinette is pure solace.

Adventurous: Stepping Stone Throw. Entrelac is a modular style of knitting that has got our curiosity cooking. How does it do that? We’re about to find out. (Plus: a really great deal for you! We’ve got exclusive Atlas bundles for this in three colorways. Save 10% off the single-skein price, plus free U.S. shipping.)

Cool Modern/Medieval: Knight Hood. Wear it up or down in a cowl-like way—get your Eleanor of Aquitaine on! For the hat averse, this is your ticket.

Cute and Puzzly: Scrap Tote. An entrelac starter, and a great way to use up scraps.

Conversation and Help
We’ll be in the Lounge, the MDK online forum, so we can all share our progress, ask for help, provide help, and post photos. To help keep conversations tidy, we’re setting up a topic for each of the five projects: Escalator Scarf, Old Friend Pullover, Stepping Stone Throw, Scrap Tote, and Knight Hood.
And we’ll be Zooming soon! Watch your Snippets for news about that.
I am presently in the hospital and would like to join the group for the pullover
Looking forward to miles of stockinette with Old Friend Pullover in Peat! Gauge swatch finished and needles at the ready!
Me too! Old friend in peat!
I’m in. Another Old Friend, in chocolate stashed yarn. Swatched the pocket, feel irrationally ahead of myself.
I am picking up my yarn and field guide today! If the post office is still open! So maybe tomorrow! Fun!
I really enjoy seeing the new patterns. That being said – what has happened to March Mayhem? Did I miss something??
Ditto! March Mayhem is what first attracted me to the MDK daily newsletter a few years ago, and I’m now a devoted reader and subscriber. However, I sure miss March Mayhem!
Me Toooo!!!!
Me too!
Will be starting my Old Friend pullover this weekend in glorious Lapis! This yarn is so cushy on your fingers, it will be a delightful knit.
I went to a Catholic School and our uniforms had one tiny pocket on the right side beneath the waistband and we would hide candy and it had to be a certain brand if you wanted to fit in…
Lapis is a go!
Wonderful Wallaby!