Coming Attraction: The Snippets Show!

Dear friends,
A heads up that we’re embarking on a new thing, The Snippets Show.
It’s going to be a Zoom, every month, available to everybody in the MDK Society.
(Almost) needless to say, we’re really excited about this. We love a good conversation, and the knitting world is full of fascinating people.
Each month, Kay and I will be talking with folks in the knitting world that we’re curious to meet.
The goal: giving you a variety hour for you to knit to. If you settle in with a bit of knitting and the beverage of your choice, we hope you’ll have a good time with this.
Our Inaugural Guests?
The dynamic duo from the wilds of Norway: Arne and Carlos.

We love their spirit of fun, as well as their brilliant knitting and endless curiosity about the world.
We hope you’ll enjoy The Snippets Show. Thanks to everybody who has joined the MDK Society! We can’t wait for next year. If you’re looking for info about becoming a charter member, here you go.
PS In case you’re wondering, that’s Cher up top doing a medley with the Osmonds as part of her 1975 variety show, Cher. Somewhere between that and SNL’s Delicious Dish—that’s where you’ll find The Snippets Show.
OOOOHHH! So excited about this new thing for 2025 and what fun to have Arne and Carlos get us all in that cozy wintery knitting and chatting together mood! Yes!!
Very exciting. Will the sessions be recorded for those that can’t join during the live meeting?
Oh this is great! What a treat!
Brilliant work is the perfect word for this knitting duo. MDK delivers amazing art without fail.
I am so looking forward to this first Snippets Live!!
I am now out in society! Just registered- congrats on this new venture! I am with you MDK all the way!
Between Cher and Delicious Dish – that’s exactly the sweet spot!
So glad I signed up for the Society early on. What a great addition!
Fun great idea! Looking forward to it!
Gorgeous knitwear design. Everything in this photo is gorgeous! Looking forward to The Snippets Show!
this is going to be AWESOME!
So glad to see you get back to feature the day’s topic in your email again today, with just one click to get to the whole thing!
Sounds like fun! As long as I don’t need my spangled jumpsuit. The sleeves always fall in the toilet.
I love this idea! Looking forward to these in the upcoming year!
Looking forward to hearing more from Arne & Carlos, a pair I’m only slightly familiar with. And the timing is just right : I’ll have time to enjoy The Snippets Show before I go to my weekly knitting group! Thank you!
Really looking forward to this! Thank you.
Yay! Love Arne and Carlos!
I was right! It was Cher and the Osmonds. Missed that event pwayback when.
And lokong forward to the Snippets Shows!