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Dear Kay,

First aired a few days ago, here’s “Where Do We Go from Here?”

It’s a two-part conversation moderated by Oprah Winfrey. Definitely carve out time to watch both parts.

The topic: “Is this the moment that will finally change our country? Where people recognize systemic racism for the evil and the problem that it is?”

On the giant Zoom wall are leaders who are coming at these questions from a variety of perspectives: Stacey Abrams, Bishop William J. Barber, Charles M. Blow, Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, Ava DuVernay, Jennifer Eberhardt, Nikole Hannah-Jones, Ibram X. Kendi, David Oyelowo, and Rashad Robinson.

Each has suggestions for resources to read. You can find that list here.




  • I’m reading… so much to take in. Thank you.

  • Thank You MDK for taking a stand and for speaking up during this terrible time. Your recent posts have been much appreciated. Keep the conversation going.

    • I agree!! Taking a stand publicly and keeping the conversation going is a must!!

    • Agreed!

  • Tabutne. (‘thank you’ in my language) …for your new foci – and for helping everyone move forward together – stitch by stitch – holding things together, and incorporating new expressions into the patterns of life in North America. Every face makes us a richer community, and yours is an online community where we come to learn – teach us now how to face ourselves, and appreciate the pathways of sisters and brothers about whom we may know very little. We (crochet) and knit in concert with each other, and may we grow in understanding and humility and LOVE.

    • Amen!

    • Beautifully written. Thank you.

      • Thank you for your honesty and courage! I’m committed for life!

  • Beautifully expressed..moderated…the essence of issues…historically also with the bias of gender and power/policies of gender flowing into systemic social and cultural systems, and worse into the minds of those not male and the males insensitive to the critical powers and policies of primary relationships in an economic subsistence. This is a tremendous reference for me to use to transform myself. Thank you all who are significant agents of this quantum transformation.

  • It’s too bad this site has become political. If you want a conversation, let’s include Shelby Steele, Bob Woodson, who marched with MLK, and say Candice Owens. You are presenting one side, and the other also needs to be heard.

    • Peggy:

      Black and brown lives aren’t theoretical concepts for y’all to debate. What is the other side that any of us needs to hear? The side that continues to explain and reason away racism? The Black and brown folx who are complicit in upholding it? The side that takes offense to anything uncomfortable and not within your own perspective being given attention? The side we’ve been hearing from our entire lives?

      Why must I make room for the voices that are already dominant rather than you making room for mine? Why must I listen to those who prefer that Black and brown folx remain kept down rather than you listen to those who say “no more?”

      And why aren’t YOU saying NO MORE?

      • Thank you Megan, Stephanie and Liz N:

        We are not going “debate” away our American reality of racial hatred and its components of bigotry, prejudice and violence.

        We can, however, talk about how Emmett Till and Citizen Councils are connected in historical context and to our current reality of the “Amy Coopers” of the world.

        This is not about politics – this is about life. This is about how one can live without having his (or her) body policed (even by people who are not the police), discounted and brutalized.

        Just sayin’…


        • Yes indeed. To state there is ‘another side to hear’ on the issue of American racism is nothing but white fragility.

          Along with many other longtime readers of this blog, I’m so appreciative for the recognition that we need to talk about white privilege. We need to talk about it a lot. We have a lot of work to do.

    • If I want to have debate over whether a problem exists, it’s worthwhile to consider multiple viewpoints.

      But when it’s clear the problem exists, and it’s time to discuss what to do about it, it’s a waste of time to keep including those who deny the issue at hand.

      Peggy, if you want to have, read about, or watch the first type of discussion, I am sure you can find them elsewhere. I hope you will keep an open enough mind to realize what Ann & Kay already have: that it’s time to move on to what we do about it.

    • First: This isn’t a matter of politics–it’s a matter of humanity. Second: My approach to ANY blog is if I like what they are writing about, I’ll keep reading. If I don’t like it, I won’t complain, I just stop reading. Because that blog or website belongs to the person writing it and they can post whatever they like. I can choose to read or not. If it’s not for me, someone out there is putting out content more to my liking. Not all cooking blogs are for me. I’m not going to tell someone who writes about making fancy French desserts that I wish he’d write about grilling burgers. Unless I want to open my mind and heart and maybe be a better person by reading about how to make fancy French desserts, if you get what I am saying. Third: Bloggers are under no obligation to make sure any “other side” is being heard, especially if that other side presents moral or social challenges that are distasteful or hateful or against their beliefs. Because sometimes there just aren’t “very fine people” on both sides.

      • How do you know the “other side” is hateful or distasteful if you won’t bother to hear what they have to say? How do you know that what you are reading is moral? It may appear so but unless you are willing to hear other sides, you truly don’t know.

  • I do not see MDK as being political. I see them expressing a voice for all humanity. Thank you for the insightful and thought- provoking posts of the past several weeks.

  • THIS WAS MARVELOUS! Thank you for promoting.

  • Thank you for recommending this. It is excellent.

  • Thank you Ann for your recommendation. I just finished watching both parts and I finally understand white privilege; I get to swim with the stream.

  • Your focus on antiracism is so appreciated. I’m a fan of MDK forever.

  • Thank you for this. And for keeping your ‘Don’t knit to this’ letter pinned to your front page. I’ve seen the news cycle move on and the discussion already sliding away on some accounts and blogs. It feels different here. It looks like you’re committed to change. I know I am.

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