Atlas Insider
Atlas Insider: What’s in Your Bag?

When you spend a solid sevenish hours inside MDK World HQ on Atlas Drive, you’re going to want to pack a survival kit for optimal life and work enjoyment.
One day I settled into my desk and looked yonder only to realize the absurdity of just how many bags I tote along with me. If a giant asteroid hit Atlas today, would I survive? Maybe. Would I have sanitized hands, a fresh mouth, lipstick, and a knitting project? Absolutely.
So I toured the building to ask, “Atlas Insider, what’s in your bag?”

1. Charger to be charged at all times. 2. Laptop in which all genius writing occurs. 3. Passport stamps for the Appalachian Trail (DG is the most outdoorsy of us all). 4. Listening devices aka block out chatter of other humans. 5. Book of plans and world domination. 6. Roll of tools that is probably more beautiful than the most beautiful thing I own.

1. Fancy Parisian purse from recent travels. 2. Al’s fav places to shop. Hewitt’s may or may not know her by first name (the girl loves some plants). 3. A can of tuna. Because why not. 4. She supports space. 5. Skincare. 6. Pebbles. Because why not. 7. More skincare. 8. A chip clip. Because why not. 9. More skincare. 10. Faye, Allison’s daughter and coolest human I know.

1. This man reads. 2. Looks sharp. Don’t ask questions. 3. Keep things moist. 4. Chris’s beloved brand of bags. Highly Recommended. 5. Must measure things at all times. 6. Wrist guard because Chris is old (jk jk jk). 7. Is this a tiny saw? 8. Keep your safety items safer. 9. Even pens are organized. 10. Journals of worldly observations. 11. Cameras always. 12. Probably something high tech.

1. Clump of bills that have probably been in there since 2011. 2. RBG FOREVER. 3. Spicy protection. 4. A very cute purse that holds a story of Hannah tripping in a street during a tornado … or so the rumor goes. 5. You KNOW so many doodles are in here. 6. Drink tokens because YOU NEVER KNOW. 7. Lip Hydration Station™. 8. Clinique Black Honey IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW. 9. The most polite thing you could ever carry: Poopouri. 10. Always peddling her B12 for optimal work energy. 11. Lots of hair = lots of hair tools.

1. Millennials love Glossier. Sorry not sorry. 2. My mostly finished crochet bucket hat using Handknit Cotton scraps. 3. Baggu masks. SAFETY CAN BE FASHION. 4. MDK Journal for scribbling very smart thawts and/or bad jokes. 5. Baggage ticket from recent trip to the beach not because I’m nostalgic but because I’m lazy and don’t throw things away. 6. My go bag because what if you end up in Italy overnight. 7. Am I okay? 8. Keychain from my niece and nephew. 9. Am I okay? 10. Am I okay? 11. Epic Garter Stripe blanket I’ve been working on since 2019.
A Giveaway!
The prize? We’ll tuck a few of our favorite things into an Atlas Reusable Bag for you: a Skill Set Pouch, an MDK Tape Measure, and a copy of Skill Set: Beginning Knitting for your personal reference, or for giving to a friend—let’s make new knitters!

How to enter?
Two steps:
Step 1: Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Snippets, right here. If you’re already subscribed, you’re set.
Step 2: What’s in your survival kit (a.k.a. day bag)? Let us know in the comments.
Deadline for entries: Sunday, July 24, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email.
Ha! I’ve downsized my bag : credit card, Some cash, sunglasses, iPhone, measuring tape
Cash and all the grown up stuff plus: tape measure ( in case I want to buy furniture), TicTacs – because you can eat as a meal if necessary, nail file and nail clippers. Always the iPhone! Often “dog stuff” for my favorite little troublemaker.
Wallet, lip balm, toy dinosaur, inhaler, pens, crayons, knit & crochet projects have a separate bag.
I make sure that stay-on baby bootie kit it’s in my bag: two sets of five dpns, and a soft wool to knit both booties simultaneously. Great for waiting in line or in a waiting room.
Water Bottle and lunch bag. Knitting is kept in project bag.
Sunglasses, phone charger, wallet, vaccination card, lip gloss, small hair brush.
Wallet, mask, journal, pen/pencil organizer, knitting project bag, moisturizer stick, eye drops, a snack, water bottle, and a few tea bags.
Keys, wallet, lotion, lip balm, sunglasses, notebook, phone, scissors, tape measure, nail file and small knitting g project.
Mask, sanitizer, key fob, sunnies, tiny wallet with ID and couple cards, sock knitting
A book, my lunch and my current sock project. Everything else is in a different bag!
I’ve tried to become more minimalist: wallet with license, a bit of cash, and one credit card, tissues, lip balm, hand sanitizer, mask, small notebook and pen. And phone, of course.
A book, lunch and my current sock project. Everything else is in a different bag!
Knitting bag A: one or 2 sock projects, money, wallet, lunch. Knitting bag B, extra bags, extra yarn, phone, lists on paper, and misc! Till I lighten up once in awhile.
Oh, I pack bags in bags.
Sock project, two at a time on two sets of #1 needles, two balls of yarn for maximum tangling; small bag with scissors, crochet hooks, stitch markers, measuring tape, etc.; lip balm, hand cream, sugarless throat lozenges, notebook; face mask. Keys, wallet and phone are in zippered pockets or elastic waist pouch.
Always TWO bags, my purse and a knitting bag. Contents of purse: Burt’s Bees lip balm, iPhone, wallet, checkbook, tape measure, rolled up nylon shopping bag, keys, hand lotion, notebook, tissues, mints, the usual. Knitting bag contains an on-the-go project (today, a blanket for Project Linus), a notions bag, pattern, and sometimes iPad if I’m using the pattern on Knit Companion.
The most essential is my migraine meds, which are in a small Bookhou linen zip pouch, along with two $20 bills (one US, one Canadian – border town, dual citizen).
Omg I also have Black Honey! Timeless! Multiple lip colors and treatments, hand cream, stitch markers,old receipts, assortment of bobby pins and elastics, hand sanitizer, Rift Tee I am currently working on,keys,and chewing gum in the same leather I tote have been carrying for years
Coin purse with some dollars and a few credit cards, glasses, sunglasses, iPhone, handkerchief, pen and lipstick are my essentials!
Survival kit:
The usual: Kindle,. Cell phone,. Wallet,. Keys, Chapstick, Compact, Pen. Glasses, Kleenex. Empty Crystal Light container filled with circular knitting needles, knitting notions box,. socks knitting project, pack of knitting patterns.
Occasional:. Stamps, Gum, Lance crackers,. Bellvita crackers, Tide to Go pen,
Wallet with wallet essentials (drivers license, insurance cards, credit cards, money, etc), several lipsticks (including black honey!), nail files (don’t want to snag yarn), 2 different hand sanitizers, mask, tissues, mints, comb, phone, keys, small knitting project (currently a scarf), several receipts. Current bag is an Italian leather with painted floral pattern (for summer)….. It’s a pretty large size bag, half moon type shape.
Multiple pens, tissues, candy, current sock project…
Wallet, phone, sunglasses, lipgloss, gum, car key and notepad.
Wallet, keys, sunglasses, reading glasses, mask, vitamins, comb, phone, Kleenex, sunscreen lip balm, pen, flower seeds.
Ball for dog park, Kleenex, dog poop bags, spare diaper, huge ring of keys. Wallet, ear buds. Phone, inhaler, sunscreen, two lipsticks, peppermints, unmailed envelope, Tide spit remover, wet wipes, sunscreen, tooth cleaners, pen. It’s a big bag
Keys, wallet,phone,assorted pens, receipts that need to be trashed,notepad,bandaids,various things for headache or such.Handsanitizer and wipes. Separate bag for knitting that has current project and pouch with scissors stitch markers and stitch holders. Cable needles crochet hook.
Oops, how could I forget sunglasses!
Also forgot my knitting notions kit: small 2 layer plastic box with compartments, tiny scissors, markers, stitch fixer, earning needles, etc…….
Considering what a maximalist I am, my bag is surprisingly spare. I just carry the bare minimum – phone, keys, sunglasses, wallet with cards (and library card!) work badge, hand cream. I wear very little makeup and don’t touch up (more lazy than vain).
Wednesdays we have SnB at work so I’ll have a knitting project. I schlep my laptop back and forth from work so no bitty bags for me.
And Black Honey works for everyone, of every skin tone! Truly. Those Clinique folks cracked the code.
Current “on-the-go” knitting project, wallet, hand sanitizer, tissues, hand lotion, bottle of water, phone and iPad, ink pen, small notebook, snack (usually almonds).
Bucket bag with wallet that holds receipts and pen/small notepad (freida kahlo currently), comb, mints, lipstick, mask, go bag w/knitting and sm knit kit w/scissors, sunglasses, Kleenex, and sm planner.
Phone, wallet, keys, sunglasses, water, sunhat, Advil (spot the migraine sufferer). Plus: notebook, at least one fountain pen, plus a black uniball and a sharpwriter; random receipts. Paper clips, for some reason. I used to always carry a book; now I’m happy to have a small knitting project (usually a Hitchhiker or a pair of socks). Only at this time of year: a travel size children’s sunscreen.
Love seeing so many artifacts similar to mine (Tums, loose change, various tickets and receipts for no good reason) but must add an almost constant hoard of Kleenex and leftover cocktail napkins – in case I catch the common cold? spill something? am about to sneeze? Whatever it is I am PREPARED. (And worried about the possible implications of my paper needs)…such a fun topic (if a bit too revealing:))
I have way too many bags to count. Which one I use depends on where I’m going, so I have a few ready for anything. Mostly I carry my phone purse with ID, credit cards and a bit of cash. Anything more than a quick store run requires the full cornucopia of snacks, water, bag of health and beauty aids, tissues, wipes, mask, and whatever small knitting project I can stuff in. My husband just shakes his head….but who does he turn to for a cough drop or kleenex???? Oh yeah, that’s me.
In my usual day bag:(1) a Kate Spade glasses case which holds my Kate Spade sunglasses and/or my indoors glasses (2) my wallet (3) a postcard from Tybee Island, which I visited in May (4) one unopened misfortune cookie from Dahlonega, Georgia (5) several pens, including a white board pen [I’m an English instructor.
Purse, tissues, sanitiser, folding shopping bags, plus at least one pair of reading glasses – I can’t function without them but can rarely find them when I need them, and a ball of yarn and a crochet hook for making blanket squares in any waiting situation 😀
I forgot masks, I still carry them even though most people aren’t using them over here anymore.
My Kindle., sunglasses, car keys, baggie of hard candy, wallet , tiny seashells from last visit to my sister, crochet hook and cotton yarn and a mask.
At least 3 knitting projects: one I can work on while talking in a group; one which requires more concentration like sitting in a park or waiting rooms; one that I am still thinking about starting maybe knit, maybe crochet. Plus all the knit and crochet tools ever needed. And a small purse with life’s essentials
Oh, what a fun column! Thank you, Ashley! Like a cross between Bob Barker on Let’s Make a Deal in TV days of old and Hilights Mag Hidden Pictures. (I enjoyed searching for the items listed.) I have the usual in my bag along with a tape measure and a pocketknife (never used, but was a Girl Scout) along with a jar of honey. Coffee with honey is the BEST!
I love HiLights magazine! Find the difference and hidden items search. I got a subscription for my granddaughter. Let’s Make a Deal…that takes me back;-) I’m thinking Monty Hall was the host.
I limit myself to a small bag….glasses, sunglasses, phone lipgloss, hand sanitizer . Now, if we want to talk about my knitting basket, that’s a whole other story!!!
Which bag are we talking about? My gym bag? My tote bag/purse? My extra knitting bag? My pool bag?
Yes!! I have a bag for every activity too!!
I putting my money on Chris, mad tools. I keep a key ring with knitting tools – tiny crochet hook, circular cutter, needle tightened, stitch markers in each bag. Should there be a separate post about what’s in the car? Outlet tester, Marine knife that can maybe crack a chest, first aid stuff, baggu bags, wine corkscrews, bungee cords, and an ikea blue bag.
My bag has a shawl in progress. My notions tin and a small notions bag, extra yarn in case I run out. Candy for my ever present dry throat. 4 ink pens, 2 pencils, package of Kleenex, my AirPods,hand sanitizer!a change purse and wallet gum water and Tylenol.
So much stuff.
1. Wallet 2. Keys (3 sets plus my car key, each with their own pretty keychains) 3. cough drops 4. Burt’s Bee’s chapstick with SPF 4. Sunscreen 5. Aloe Vera gel 6. Hand sanitizer 7. Hand cream 8. Random recipes and empty snack packages 9. Sunglasses 10. My purse 11. Pens 12. Extra rings and earrings 12. Medical tape (I don’t know why!) 13. Project bag from a friend 13. In progress socks 14. Tiny scissors 15. Random stitch markers 16. A printed pattern, but not for the socks on the needles! 17. A card carrier full of my husbands business cards for a company he closed last fall.
This list is too much
I watch my toddler granddaughter during the week & come over-prepared for my downtime during her nap. Purse/tote: wallet, phone, hairbrush I never use, pouch with masks, lip balm, advil; second pouch with nail file, hand sanitizer, tissues, wipes, lipstick. Also something for lunch.
Project bag #1: currently on a needlepoint kick + temperature cross stitch featuring hearts. Lighted magnifier & pouch with scissors, tape measure, pens, etc. Notebook to record daily temps.
2nd project bag: Moderne baby blanket fixins (just in case I feel like working on it).
No wonder my shoulders ache.
Always a book and a small knitting project as well as a snack. I like to be prepared!
Mask, chapstick, lipstick, keys, reading glasses, wallet, hair tools(also lots of hair), phone, knitting project and supplies in supplemental bag.
My current portable knitting project (usually a washcloth/napkin) – my Kindle – an essentials small bag of scissors – crochet hook – needle and stitch markers – billfold – keys – anti-nausea meds (migraine and autoimmune disease salvation) – something for our youngest son to doodle on and the real camera. Sometimes I even remember to bring my phone! I never want to be without entertainment.
everyday bag = everyday essentials, no knitting, but credit card, multiple pens, pad of paper, snack bar, almonds, tissues, phone, bills (money type, not the owing kind) & change, a little knit prayer cloth, magnifying glass, & a collapsible bag
Assorted meds, pen, glasses case, pack of wipes, masks, hand cream, lip balm, checkbook, granola bar, gum, covid card. This is in addition to the usual wallet, keys, phone.
I carry 2 small cross-body bags.
A linen pouch that holds my phone, measuring tape and lozenges.
The other is a small bag where my wallet, small crochet hook (for dropped stitches)
and lipstick.
Bags in bags including the usual suspects named by many above…but also lollipops (kid) bandaids and first aid cream (again for the kid) and prizes/stickers from dentist, TJ’s, etc (more kid!) leaves me wondering whose bag I am actually carrying..
my travel carry on is only moderately epic nowadays — my collection is a carry over of 10 years of running recital quick change for Miss Harriet’s school of dance. (100+ kids ages 5 to 18 needing to change in under 5 minutes for their next act – all within two hours) Really a life training skill upon reflection…..I have full coverage for all manner of clothing failures + anything your feet might need + OTC meds. Oh and at least three knitting projects – and I’ll probably only ever get to one of them in the airport. but I still carry three. Unless we’re driving — then I have 10 + a yarn swift and winder….
Sock project, playing cards (you never know) chapstick, small project bag that I use as a wallet.
My Kindle, dental floss, phone, tissues, a little cash., portable knitting project, charger
Small wallet, lip balm, small sunblock, Baggu bucket hat, tissues, extra masks, keys
My phone, a comb, tissues, and hand sanitizet
Everyday bag has wallet, sunglasses, masks in small bag plus a smaller bag for the one being used, sanitizer, very small Leatherman tool , tape measure, fabric fold up shopping bags, lip balm ,phone and keys.
My current knitting project is in a separate bag that also has a small mesh bag with markers, scissors, stitch fixer, cable needle,and tape measure.
Comb, phone, lip balm, check book (yes, I’m old school), wallet that’s >20 years old but I can’t bear to part with it
I recently shifted to a wee clamshell straw bag which barely holds the essentials. I love the breeziness of not toting anything else – but I have a second bag that holds knitting, drinks and snacks, and a laptop.
The usual spare keys, wallet, and credit card thingy … plus a sketchbook and pencil, a foldy reusable bag in handy pouch, a scrunchie, three pens and a Sharpie, a wee little flashlight (my daughter’s friend won a ton of them at the arcade and handed them out with wild abandon), and a small mirror with a picture of John Lennon on the non-mirror side (a gift from my aunt and uncle when I was 13, and it has lived in every purse/bag I’ve carried since then).
Scissors – Always scissors. Needed to open any package anywhere.
An Epi Pen, tiny first aid kit, tiny sewing kit, Swiss Army knife, phone and wallet. Oh, lipstick, never forget that!
Wallet, keys, variety of lip glosses, knitting project, bullet journal, phone, hand lotion, ear buds, LYS gift cards, mascara, eyebrow gel, sometimes a book as well.
This post was a great am-I-missing-something check In. I fondly refer to my “go bag”/purse as my luggage. I learned from the best…my mom, she had everything. Her go to item is still a paperback novel. I replaced that with a knitting project. Besides that one essential, there is the usual personal grooming items, wallet, sunglasses and keys. I also have my stranded somewhere items…flashlight, pocket knife, toothbrush, whistle, clif bar and paracord lanyard.
Sunglasses (always hopeful) mask (always cautious) lip balm, handkerchief, keys, calendar, paper, pen.
Simple- cash, credit cards, lip gloss, phone, knitting, car keys
Epi pen (in case any shellfish is hiding in my food), wallet, sunglasses, tissues, notebook, many pens, Advil, lip balm, mirror, and baby hat knitting supplies.
I call it my “Mary Poppins” bag, enough said.
Funny post! And, fun. Depends on the season as to how much lip/skin protector is in there. Right now, just lip stuff and some hand lotion. Two check books (sue me, I’m old school—one is just for yarn), wallet, some cash, cards, and pix of the kids, keys for 1 car, house, and some keys I just can’t identify, but they sound good, tissues, tiny journal for “things I need to do,” Starburst, three masks in plastic baggie, sunglasses, and the phone, when I don’t have back pockets. And, I made the bag myself!
Lip gloss, cash, credit cards, germ free pen for my use only, 1 tissue good for 1 robust sneeze, iPhone of course, 4 quarters (never know when you might need a coin), lucky small sea shell from beach all tucked into a small crossbody purse.
Bag full of bags:makeup bag full of minis, mask bag with three types of masks, wallet with life’s necessary details, phone, with necessary apps, iPad Mimi with the same apps…..
I have nothing unexpected in my bag because I clean out my bag every day. I still carry a bag that is much larger than needed for what is inside. I like easy access.
I’ve been downsizing but still have glasses, masks, phone, wallet, keys plus a first aid kit (eye drops, lotions, bandaids, etc), tissues, and a little notebook with pens!
Chap stick, nail file , hand sanitizer, credit cards, some cash. That’s it !
Chapstick, knitting, book, snack.
Nuts and berries.
in my bag right now…my Kindle, lots of masks, a brioche scarf in progress, phone, house keys and car fob, wallet, covid vax card, coupons, werthers hard candies, comb, lipstick and gloss, sunscreen
Money, credit cards, lipstick, phone, 20# of random junk…
Oh no…my bag is the ole bag in a bag trick. The smallest bag has the necessities like credit cards, cash and lipstick and can be deployed as a stand alone bag. But then add in a day planner, more lipsticks, lotions, hanitizers, etc and I have a total mess.
Wallet, glasses case, stamps, loose change and lip balm. And, then there is my other bag
I usually have 2 bags…..My purse has my wallet with ID and credit cards, lip balm, hand care, pen and phone. My bag has whatever knitting project I am taking along and a book.
Marty H
Bike bags: lunch, snacks, current knitting project, change of clothes, phone, iPad, work pass and keys
Minimalistic, keys, hey don’t any of you drive? Cash, lipballm, readers, phone, hand sanitizer, pen.
My bag contains whatever will fit….oh wait… THERE’S the kitchen sink!
Must have: gum, chapstick, readers, day planner, earplugs, paperback ‘carrying around’ copy of LOTR book, and some sort of watery drink.
Contents of my purse which is my Day bag: wallet, holder for ID and insurance cards, a pen, a small calendar, small notebook, an unused Starbucks card, face masks, headband, phone and charger, keys. Lip gloss , pills, hand sanitizer
All the usual stuff, coin pouch of “luck” small oddities like a carved turtle and a tramp art etched nickel, leather cat key ring my long gone beloved sister gave me,masks, and cash, because many restaurants now charge 3% for using a card. Knitting project, paperback come along in a cloth bag.
Wallet, chewable aspirin ( doctor’s recommendation), phone, masks, hand sanitizer, tissues, keys, receipts, Werther’s candy, spare reusable shopping bag.
In my pre-COVID bag, it had: an umbrella, a wet bag to hold said umbrella (in case it actually rained), a spare plastic bag (also for said wet umbrella), sunglasses/reading glasses (depending which one I’m already wearing and/or if it’s already dark), 2 pens (ballpoint & fountain), 2 different styluses (to sign for credit card payments – yes, some stores still make you do that), my wallet (with all the needed wallet stuff, including membership cards to get points and actually into the store), my cellphone, a 16oz bottle of water, at least 3 spare shopping bags, a nail file kit, a small pack of post it’s, 2 types of lip balm/lipstick, a small tin of hand salve, face blotting tissue, Bobby pins, a hair tie, keys, including a Leatherman Squirt & a glow-in-the-dark safety whistle, a small hand mirror with comb (btw, many of my small items are in a bag in my bag because they can’t just be floating around my bag and possibly get lost IN my big or horrors of horrors: actually fall out and REALLY get lost! );then there’s my knitting bag in my bag: which normally held whatever project I could’ve been working on plus a foldable fabric tray that held all my notions (tape measure, spare needle threader, mini scissors, 4 floops needles, tons of spare markers, a needle t-pin, darning needle). Now my post-COVID bag is nearly the same except my knitting doesn’t always come along with me as I’m rarely out long enough to actually knit, even car knitting rarely happens now as I’ve been happily enjoying being at home all the time now (you get more knitting done when you don’t have to get ready to go out!).
Oh boy, what’s not in it??
I don’t like carrying a bag unless I have to but I do have a small bag for those times pockets aren’t big enough for the necessities – wallet, phone, keys, chapstick. A big bag lives in my car for the things I probably won’t but possibly might need like checkbook, old receipts, emergency comb, and plenty of room for a scarf, knitting project, book, or snack.
I carry around a MK tote that has a purse inside it in the tote I carry EVERYTHING I will ever need:mints, tape measure, rosary beads (because it’s scary out there), my nook, a key ring filled with those little savings cards from every store, knitting tools and of course knitting etc……
Head lamp. Glasses cleaning supplies. Fold up reusable bag. Emergency knitting. Books to return to library or just picked up from library.
Key fob, hair brush, scrunches, cash.
Just back from Europe, so: passport, 8 kinds of salted licorice, Kleenex, hand sanitizer, mask and hard candy for plane. Lipsticks, moisturizer, hand cream. Sleeve on circs, kindle, phone, reading and sunglasses, books on mini sandisk and earbuds, wallet with euros for France and credit cards because most places in Sweden don’t accept cash! This is the bag and stuff of daily life since May. Now will stash passport, keep the rest.
A mindless project. Phone, library card, Kindle, money, credit card, tinted lip balm, Kleenex, comb.
Usuals like wallet, mask, sunglasses, sock-in-progress, folding grocery bag, a med kit with pain meds, allergy meds, bandaids, etc. a couple roller ball bottles of essential oil (stress management on the go.)
Small summer project. Always stitch markers, phone wallet and water bottle
I’m hands-free: 1 money clip, 1 key fob, 1 iPhone with clip case
Not that much. I carry a very small bag. Small wallet w/ credit cards & a little cash, a checkbook (yes, some places still don’t take credit cards), a stained lip balm, keys a bunch of old receipts.
today’s bag: lip gloss, credit card, id, lotion, kleenex packet, phone, house key, nearly finished wool scarf tor Knitting 4 Peace pod, fruit snack, stainless steel water bottle
Phone, wallet with cash, various ID’s and cards, tape measure, pen Advil, hand wipes, mask, and a few other personal hygiene items.
Cash, credit card wallet, lip balm, lip gloss, keys
Vitals for commerce and driving, clippers, tweezers, tapestry needle and sharp, pen, tiny notebook flash drive or two, charger/cord. Yarns/projects in slightly bigger bag(s). Now ask me what’s in my car!
A sun hat, sunglasses, a book in case I have to wait around somewhere, and a Lego figurine that my sons gave me for good luck.
My go bag always has a tooth brush/tiny tube of toothpaste, diamond nail file, cell phone, business cards and multi tool w/ scissors (disguised), collapsing metal straw and pens.
This week in the UK ice blocks and money for ice cream.
Wallet with cash and card as so many places going cashless, sunglasses and cleaner (hey you have to be able to see), keychain with everyone’s keys in case they lose them, a book, small summer shawl project (don’t want to be bored while waiting) sanitizer and the very important hat (to keep the sun off my face – don’t ask).
I’ve lightened my load recently, but I always have phone, a few lipsticks and balms, keys, a pen, my planner, wallet, hand lotion, a hair elastic, comb, and a few essentials for wardrobe malfunctions, shall we say. Lunch is in a second bag and briefcase carries the rest.
House keys; mobile phone; always reading material, either Kindle or NYer; and often knitting. However, different bags for going different places…. so multiple bags.
My day bag is usually an african basket Or for larger days a rectanguar French Market basket. With one of those Purse organizer inserts. Water bottle with bubbly water or tea. a fan (old school). a tin of knitting bits. a wood comb (I have long hair and this helps with static) and a hair wrangling device. A handkerchief (thrifted vintage). Current knitting project. self care stuff, lip balm, medication, hand cream, pain cream. toothpicks. breath mints, nail file and mask. Phone charger cable and often a battery pack. Laptop and/or tablet. perhaps a pen. Headphones and a scrunchable reusable sling bag for extra stuff or shopping. often snacks.Wallet, key and phone. Full disclosure, my wallet/keys and phone go in legging pockets for shopping quick trips etc.
Being semiretired and working from home resulted in a very small go bag which has DL, 1 credit card, lip gloss in a bright cherry, one embroidered hanky, bandaid so crunched up, sunglasses and sunscreen, 3 tall golf tees and one sock just started and a couple of loose ibuprofens. No cash but 2 quarters and 4 pennies. Won’t get far on this
Nothing. I have no bag that I routinely carry with me. There was this moment, maybe 12 years ago?, when a family member asked, “Would you throw this in your bag?” Apparently it was a bazillion plus one times too many. I started a quiet insurrection involving pockets. POCKETS! I carry a 3″x4″ zipper pouch with cash, library card, credit card, and insurance cards. It goes in a pocket. Phone in another pocket. Car key on a lanyard around my neck or in a pocket. That’s it. Need a mask? Wear it. Sunglasses? Peeper keeper around the neck. Need tissues today? Pocket. It brings me joy every day. I must confess though, that working from home means no commute, so no work stuff being carried back and forth. If I had to do that again – computer in a sleeve and a reusable lunch sack. No larger tote where Extra Stuff could lurk.
All clothes should have pockets
If only all clothes had pockets!!
Keep my license, credit card and medical ID in tiny pocket on my keychain – don’t need to always drag that bag full of everything with me!
Lip balm, fold-up brush, essential cards, change for parking, tissues(essential always), mask, iphone
Large bags are my thing – wallet, phone, lip balm, lip balm, lip balm, sanitizer, keys, knitting project, notions bag.
Up until last night, I carried a Texas Roadhouse gift card from last Christmas. I still have: an assortment of toys and small books to occupy my small humans during waiting moments, hand sanitizer always, a cheap pair of sunglasses, and a small reusable shopping bag, just in case!
No bag. Unsightly bulging pockets.
Wish I could just carry my keys and all-in-one wallet which holds my phone BUT they reside inside my crossbody bag with most of the aforementioned items which then usually resides inside of a larger tote with a knitting hat project and library returns!
I am minimalist. I have a mask, hand sanitizer, wrap,current knitting project, Mtn. Dew, and Kleenex.
A sock project bag, a sweater (finished), wallet, Swiss Army knife, glasses, fold up shopping bag, whistle, eyeglass repair kit, compass, first aid kit, tissues, lipstick, hair stuff (I cut my hair, not sure I need this anymore), granola bars, keys. Sometimes I have a water bottle in there.
Wallet (with a $20 bill that’s been in there since pre-pandemic), keys, hand sanitizer, mask, makeup bag, extra bag, pen, phone.
Knitting project du jour, purse food, hygiene-maintenance, shopping bags, bandanna-washcloth-hair minder, epi-pen, crosswords, book lists, money and cards, bug spray, first aid, phone, chargers, family history photos, calendar, sun and indoor glasses, keys and extra keys to everyone’ s houses, flashlight, room for book and sweater and hat.
Sunglasses (AZ), wallet, key fob, pen, Tylenol, nail file, links to a watch that I need repaired, gum.
Inhaler, lipstick, hand cream, knitting, tiny pocket wallet that holds driver’s license, credit card and Kroger card plus house key, more knitting and car fob.
My kindle, a notebook, pen and pencils, chapstick, keys, sunglasses, regular glasses, advil, Tylenol, credit cards, handfuls of change, id, sanitizer, extra masks, a knitting project (usually something small), a hair brush, sweet and low, a charging cable and a portable charger.
Fat stuffed wallet, hand sanitizer, lip balm, KEYS, glasses. Knitting, book & Kindle with earphones in a separate bag, also known as the Bag Lady. No phone.
I always keep one of those little red Graf Lanz zippered bags for my various glasses
1 knitting/crochet project, a knitkit (scissors, markers, tape measure, counter, fix-it hook, needle, etc), credit card, phone, ear phones, 1 snack.
1 bag with a knitting project, with most knitting notions. 2 bag with wallet, keys, lipstick, meds, bandages, sanitizer, hair clip. 3 bag with receipts, pen, pencil and note book. Sun glasses, reusable bottle of water.
Small bag gal here: wallet, keys, mask
I’ve gone extremely minimal – either just my phone with kangaroo pocket containing essential cards and a bit of cash, glasses on head; or small bag w/ phone, kangaroo plus a bit more cash, readers, cough drops, pen. Keys live on lanyard. Some knitting lives in car. If necessary I squish a sock in bag.
Knitting! I have a wallet/phone case combo with cards and ID that lives in my pocket, so small knitting projects live in the bag (usually body parts for a stuffed animal), along with lip balm and whatever is needed for wherever I’m heading (laptop, files, etc.)
My handbag is big and (fairly empty) and has another bag in it. That way I can put whatever I buy into one or the other.
Have to have a small knitting project, essential notions, phone and essential cards!
Migraine medicine, Nivea lip balm, lipstick, phone, wallet (actually a tiny zippered bag that a Sephora gift card once came in) with the usual, keys, sunglasses, pens and a bunch of crumpled receipts I’ll eventually throw away.
I don’t have one.
Wallet, phone, sunglasses, tissues, cough drops, Advil, Sudaphed, (allergies), keys, Black Honey, cloth Hanky just because I like them. Second bag is a to go knitting project – always , just in case there is time.
Minimalist, credit cards, license, some cash,glasses,phone & lip gloss,
I always carry a little pouch of tiny rubber chickens in case someone needs one.
love this response!
I try to keep it to a minimum but, tea bags decaf, mending kit for fashion emergency, first aid kit, nail kit for nails,pocket knife for cutting things,wallet, measuring tape,fingerless mitt project, traveling knit kit, phone and tablet.
Due to increases in purse snatching and carjacking, I only carry the essentials. Credit card, DL, keys, in a very small bag or in the pockets of my cargo shorts.
Clinique Black Honey forever! Purse knitting (smaller than home knitting), book I started six weeks ago but I’m still on page 36, three chapsticks, pen from pet store I’ve never been to, pencils, notebook, snacks for kids and dog, small water bottle, mints, nail file, shopping bags. Seasonally: bug spray & sunscreen or extra hats & mittens. Sometimes rocks or shells kids pick up at the beach.
My day bag is pretty simple: Epipen, holder for VISA and debit cards, ID, etc, lip balm, and current knitting project with ziplock of tools (sewing scissors, measuring tape, repair hook, stitch markers).
2 Credit cards, library card, ID, and health card in their leather sleeve. Emergency cash. Lip liner. Tape measure. Sock-like project. Bicycle sunglasses to also shield from wind in open Jeep.
Poop Bags!! I forget to take them out of my back pocket and then end up shoving them in my bag!! You never know who might need a Poop Bag! 🙂
Knitting project, crochet project, dishcloth project. Nail clippers as emergency scissors. Puffer, ibuprofen, barest essentials of makeup, tweezers, money, a clip so seatbelts don’t choke me, a small toy- I give them away when I see a little kid having a hard time. & Keys, of course
Always something to knit. Way too many pens. Lots of lip stuff! Wallet, phone … etc. Too much to list it all!
What’s in my to go bag? Well I’ve down sized from 2 bags to 1. I always have an activity bag with knitting & a paperback plus Water & snacks. All this in addition to a smal purse with wallet. mask, phone & car keys. Now I have a little bigger purse. This single bag carries all of the above but no water or snacks. There is still a paperback & a small knitting project but I’ve retired the bag woman for now.
Charger, battery backup, notebook, spare tote bags, epipens, chapstick, inhaler, excedrin, allergy meds wallet, water bottle, chiao goo needle set, crochet hook roll, pen/pencil roll, cough drops, case full of coins, purse dust catcher; bag 2 (funny gnome tote) always has 2 projects in it, a project book with patterns, Rekonekt notebook, notions bag, and stitch marker making kit.
Pretty boring, it’s a small bag:
Lip balm
Hair ties
wallet with assorted cards, cash, and license, phone, lip balm, mints, kleenex
In my Laurel Burch bag: a book!, Daytimer, keys, wallet, comb, tissues, extra N95, throat lozenges, sunglasses, cell phone, lipstick, hand cream. In a handy second bag that can fit inside the first: small knitting project.
Wallet, keys, pen, reusable bag, mask, few random receipts, and purse hanger. My phone goes in my pocket. Knitting goes in a separate bag.
a band-aid
I really enjoyed this letter. It was interesting to see what was in every one’s bag. I am luck that I don’t have to leave home every day, but when I did, I had both a purse and a backpack. I always had a book, sometimes 2. Hand lotion, a clean shirt, pants and undies in case of an emergency. My lunch and snacks. At that time, I wasn’t knitting or crocheting at work. An extra car key. I worked 45 miles from home and I had already locked my keys in my car once. My husband was not pleased to have to bring me a key. Not doing that again. My chances of leaving my backpack in the car were slim. Thanks for reading.
i keep all the things i need for my job in my brown cow print baggu duck bag: uniform t-shirt & jacket, lanyard, cute pins, little zip bag with work-related gadgets/tools; also my insulated lunch bag, water bottle, hand lotion, cough drops, lip balm, tin of small altoids, tin of trader joe’s green tea mints, tin of loose aleve/tylenol/exedrin migraine, nail clippers, and a cloth mask just in case.
My bag generally contains lip moisturizer, hand cream, hand sanitizer, a mask or 2, small amount of cash, credit card, mints and probably some receipts.oh and the phone of course.
Since Covid I’ve slimmed down to a 4″ x 3″ wallet for money, cards and DL, a change pouch, phone, lip balm, nail clipper, nail file, kleenex, pen and paper, comb and a clip on the handle for keys. I throw this in my knitting bag if I know I’m going to have some free time.
My best friend refers to my purse as my magic bag because I always seem to have whatever he needs when we’re on road trips: OTC meds (especially Tums), nail clipper, nail file, tweezers, loose change, mints, measuring tape and at least one Baggu. I now also have extra medical masks and saline nasal spray (those masks dry out my sinuses). All of this on top of the usual wallet, keys, phone, etc. My go bag has at least one knitting project, tablet, water bottle, Wint-o-Green Life Savers, and a light cardigan. I really need to edit what I carry.
Your basics, such as wallet, cards, a little cash, emergency sock knitting, including a needle and scissors, emergency meds, tissues, a few beauty products, which probably haven’t been used since the pandemic started, and a knife, because you just never know what you’ll need. And sometimes a drink and snack. All in the knitter’s city bag.
wallet, keys, sunglasses (or regular glasses if I have sunglasses on my face), a K95 mask (or two if I’ve been lazy), phone, a little cloth bag with hand sanitizer, hand cream, lip balm, nail clipper, nail file, a little jar with Advil, and a comb.
It was so fun to have a peek in your bags! Mine has pens, knitting, sunscreen (love the Glossier sun screen, but I’m Gen x.) random receipts, pebbles (I felt seen by this post), lip stuff, advil, wallet, mini flashlight, mini notepad, mini ruler. And, extra grocery bags, because I forget all the time.
I loved reading this!
In the bag? Oh, way, way too much! A journey of discovery as I go deeper! It’s a LeSportsac, too small. KN94, phone with bone conduction headphones, prescription sunglasses in triangle-shaped case with cleaning cloth, wallet with change, a few small bills, cards and my mother’s souvenir ticket to Musée D’Orsay, six loose ibuprofen, two pens, propelling pencil, Chanel 05 lipliner, its sharpener, Tom Ford Indian Rose lipstick, Estée Lauder powder makeup (hasn’t broken and it’s been in purse more than three years, so good on-the-go product), Plackers flosser, tweezers, keys, two different eye drops, inhaler, Ricola sugarless elderflower cough drops, fan from the Alhambra, new knitting needle gauge still in package, both pieces of Cloverdale linen T as I’m reknitting top rib on back and bottom rib on front, ball of pale gray Rowan Cotton Glacé and two circular knitting needles.
Not a lot — It’s just a passport-sized Bagallini. Wallet w/ cash, 2 credit cards, & ID. Lip gloss and keys. That’s it. Then, I put IT into my knitting bag, or if knitting can’t factor into my day, a larger purse. Usually also w/ sunglasses.
I’ve made a real effort to downsize. For quick trips out I use a wristlet with just the basics, wallet with cards, phone, car keys.
Paper masks, tinted Chap stick because of the masks, A wallet, keys, sunglasses, Tissues,A project, probably A hat!
Keys, sunglasses, phone, wallet, covid vaccination cards (mine & husband’s), spare mask, pen, Kleenex, mini tin of Altoids, headache meds.
That was fun!!!
I’m so ready for the zombie apocalypse. Everyday carry: keys, wallet, phone + cord + charger + spare battery, N95 mask, sunglasses, shopping bags that wad up into their own little bags each smaller than a Clif bar; a Clif bar; writing implements and dot-grid notebook; tiny pouch with hand wipes, lens wipes, Off! wipes, Tylenol and a Bandaid or two; pocket knife (for peeling apples, mainly); reusable water bottle or thermos; emergency knitting kit: a set of sock needles, a pair of size 6 US six-inch staights, stitch markers, narrow 6-inch ruler, and a darning needle, all in a plastic tube. Weather appropriate hat in outer pocket.
I use Tom Bihn’s Co-pilot bag because all this stuff fits, and I can add my laptop, a couple skeins of yarn, a toiletries bag and a change of clothes and it STILL FITS.
In attempting to not carry a tote, I have reduced the size of my bag which means less stress on shoulder and arm. Have the usual wallet, car keys (always at the bottom) sunglasses, sugarless breath mints, comb, mirror, tissues, grocery store tags for checking out, checkbook, sanitizer in a small squeeze container, phone. Carry bag for return and check out of library books, and another with knitting project including tape measure, scissor, stitch markers, patterns. Always seem to have with me what my hubby needs at the moment.
In the bag: purse, wallet (usual cards + gift cards), pens, pencils, masks, Ipad, water in-progress sweater (scrap of paper w/colorwork pattern) & dishcloth in progress, weratedogs day book, book, keys to,farm locks/house, work, vehicles on separate lanyards. Scraps of paper with work notes, sunglasses, pouch with bandaids, antiseptic, gauze, tape (klutz = me), cloth sunhat for work, roll of quarters for work (we never have enough change). Bag sets off the passenger seat belt warning.
Wallet. Sunglasses. Altoids. Cigarettes (Sorry. Not Sorry) Measuring tape. Post it note. A Persian Lime. Keys. Lip Gloss. Comb. A Memorial Card from a young man’s memorial service.
Oh my… what a mess! Hair ties, assorted pens, journal and post it’s, masks, sanitizer, ear buds, phone, mini flashlight, wallet, migraine meds and keys.
Wallet, keys, phone and Kindle – currently reading “Say Nothing”
Yarn, pattern, knitting tools pouch, wallet, keys, mask, pen, comb. You know, just the essentials!
Wallet, hair fork, gum, hard candy, mask, sketchbook, brush pen with mini water bottle, and pen case. Also a Grid-it organizer containing lipstick, inhaller, glasses, pill bottle, nail file, feminine hygiene products, and lotion. Oh, and a spare house & car key because my husband constantly locks the keys in the car.
For quick errands, my purse has my wallet, phone, keys, glasses, contact lens solution & case, plus a purse organizer that always has pens, measuring tape, first aid supplies, Kleenex, masks, wipes, sanitizer, hand cream, nail file, hair clip, dental floss, reading glasses, and a small notebook. For longer days out, I put all of that in a bigger tote so I can add a book, snacks, water, fibery project, and anything else I’ll need for where I’m going. Mom taught us to always be prepared!
Keys, cards, phone, sunglasses, lip balm, and always, always, always a small knitting project.
The usual things. The weird thing—ear muffs. I hate having cold ears. They have come in handy so many times.
Phone, sunglasses, readers, coin purse, wallet, mask or two, nail file, vax card, tiny container of pills, pen, old shopping lists, receipts, sand and dirt, flower seeds.
I LOVE Allison’s NASA bag, looks like a Baggu canvas tote. Excellent!
It is! I bought all their NASA gear 🙂
Lip balm, tissues, purell wipes, gum, candy, more candy.
Ha Ha probably easier to take a photo~
–little bag that holds inhaler & other “am I ok” meds
–little bag for “do I look ok” stuff includes toothpicks to remove food from front teeth
–pen & notepad to write down stuff so I don’t forget it
–little wallet for DL, library card, and credit card
–little bag to hold mystery treat for granddaughters when I visit
–oh yeah & phone If I don’t leave it at my daughter’s house
Bag contains a wallet which is like peeling an onion, but also kleenex, which is unused but may be shedding because it’s been in here so long; receipts for everything I’ve purchased since I last time I changed bags because I’m lazy but also don’t litter; reading glasses in a case, sunglasses in a case, phone, several sets of keys and many many random business cards.
I’ve downsized quite a bit, but I still carry lip balm, masks and small scented hand sanitizer, small hand lotion, cough drops, sun glasses, small notebook with pen and notes for yarn to buy…credit cards, cash and sugar free gum; always gum!
I am known in my circle as “our lady of perpetual preparedness.” In addition to wallet, phone, keys, and sunglasses, I carry hand sanitizer, a sunblock stick, ibuprofen, benadryl, bandaids, mints, cough drops, ginger chews, tums, nail clippers, tissues, epi pens, a small notebook and pens, a shopping bag that zips into a pouch, a small led flashlight, and sometimes a sock knitting project. If you need it, I probably have it.
Retractable tape measure, nylon shopping bag, wallet, pen, key fob, tissues, lip balm, eye drops, hand wipes, soft picks, spare hearing aid batteries, hand lotion, phone, mask; my bag is 7.5” x 9” x 1.5”
Small zip pouch (license, credit card & a bit of cash), water bottle, post-it pad & pen, small knitting project (currently a Flicker & Flame hat), crystal nail file, lip balm, hand sanitizer, masks, tablet (bc I seldom print knitting patterns & to listen to audio books), AfterShokz (love them!), phone & keys.
My phone case holds DL & credit card plus medical ID. If I need more, my string backpack has lots of stuff (mom & grandma) – crochet hook, 16” knitting needles, ball of cotton yarn, stuffable shopping bag, hand sanitizer, spare masks, hand wipes, pen, notepad, bandaids, spare medications, lip balm, cotton kerchief (handtowel, neck cooler when wet, etc), water bottle.
Nail clippers, chap stick, dental floss and Kleenex. Plus an extra scrunchie. It’s official. I’m old. Lol
Empty food container, three granola bars, a novel, water bottle, fixit tools, knitting project (lacy cowl), tape measure, stitch markers, pattern, small notebook for project notes, phone charger, 63 cents.
Well my wallet which has more coin money then needed. A small coin purse guess what more coins, and a small butterfly someone crocheted for me when I worked in the hospital. My mask with bees on it because they are super important, my phone, lip balm of a variety. Eye drops, what ever knitting I am in love with now because you know WIPs and some get in trouble and are in time out. Not today but someday I have silverware in there because I was eating when I left. And lots of receipts from things that I have no intention of ever returning. Oh and a hair brush with hair ties (I have long hair that irritates me sometimes as I live in a southern coastal area.)
OMG – wallet with all the usual things in it, dark glasses with case, lens cleaner, chapstick, lipstick, face mask, because you know covid- and coupons, reusable bags, and more
Total minimalist downsized yars ago. Credit cards, some cash, tissues, sweetener, Medicare cards, key fob, Android phone, pen
My day bag has, of course, paperback, small knitting project like socks, sunglasses, extra N95 mask, and candy, and that’s it! All I need for emergency.
:small hairbrush w/attached mirror, plastic tooth cleaners, clean underwear, keys to everywhere and occasionally a small terrier!
Lip gloss, keys, small notebook for big thoughts and unforgettable quotes, sock knitting which I should shift to dishcloths, book and water
Start with a small knitting bag with accompanying sock project, throw in a phone with magnetic wallet, air pods, reusable (collapsible) straw, loose change, assorted receipts, dog treats (because you never know), poop bag (same), and reusable shopping bag.
Lip balm, sunglasses, ID, car keys, and tip money for my Sonic Drive-in drink obsession
Too many bags…my syndrome too. Bags in different shapes and sizes for: work, knitting, pool, purse, travel, lunch…argh, but can’t live without any of them. Purse: wallet, keys, keys to hubby car, multiple lip glass tubes, old receipts, gum, glasses cleaning cloth and so much other random assorted stuff.
What’s the comments character limit??? Non-exhaustive list:
The usual: phone / wallet / keys / epipen / shades. Obviously knitting project (socks or hat) and tiny pouch with notions. Assorted snacks, hard candy and tea.
The mobile pharmacy: tums, allergy meds, ibuprofen, hand sani, spare mask, etc
Headphones, charging cables and a power bank because YOU NEVER KNOW.
The odd? Matchbook? Spare shoelaces? (why?? I mostly wear slip-ons!) Copy of my marriage license? 800 pens because they all go to the bottom of my purse to die?
Sunglasses, keys, wallet, nail file, lip gloss, wetting eye drops, small knitting project, wish list for yarn or notions (for the next LYS shopping opportunity, ‘L’ meaning within a 1 1/2 hour drive), and water bottle. And currently a book or magazine since I can’t knit right now due to a broken finger just repaired.
Cell phone x2 ( mine and work), note book and pen, masks – oh so many masks!, hand sanitizer, not one but two pairs of glasses – you reach a certain age and YOU KNOW, old receipts- who has time to clean out their bag?, water bottle, and a reusable shopping bag ( for spur of the moment yarn purchases).
Working from home, so no bag! I just carry a small wallet, my phone and keys in my pockets when I leave the house. I’m thinking about making a really small Japanese knot bag just big enough to carry those and a lip balm.
Well, there’s everyday survival, waiting for appointments survival, and travel survival. Appointments and travel always include a small knitting project with an easy to remember pattern. Everyday essentials include my reading glasses because the bright Arizona sunshine necessitates my putting on sunglasses even before I walk out the door. A microfiber cloth for cleaning glasses. Lip balm. As Jean mentioned, migraine meds, always! Nowadays, a mask and hand sanitizer too.Then the usual: wallet, keys, tissue. Oh, and a small manicure kit. All that being said, I truly admire those who have either achieved minimalism or keep consistently organized full-sized loads!
Masks, hand sanitizer, stitch markers, current small wip, phone, and lip balm!
My survival kit includes eye drops, Sweet n Low (some people don’t carry it). Kindle (must have something to read at all times, extra “readers” glasses (so I will never be completely blind), breath mints (doesn’t everyone), and masks. Never want to be kept out of a place! Oh yes, and my Kool Ray Bans.
Phone, tissues, pen, lip balm. (Wallet: pocket. Keys: other pocket. Sunglasses: on face.)
Wallet, phone, checkbook, planner, pens, spare glasses, spare contacts, lip balm (x4), tissues, a mirror, my c.2007 iPod that still works, sock in progress, napkins, hand sanitizer, masks, glasses cleaner, fold-up shopping bag. (Obviously I have recently cleared it out and gotten rid of the non-essentials.)
DG, those Blackwing pencils are the BEST! My father gave me some decades ago. Pretty sure I still have a few nubbins from back then. So glad they started making them again.
Bert’s Bees lip balm in the shades Hibiscus and Red Dahlia, wallet, travel sized Kleenex, tootbrush and toothpaste in a Lancôme make up bag, Covid vaccination cards in a “vaccine passport case” since whoever designed the cards has apparently never in their life seen a wallet, a couple dog poop bags one of which contains some Charlee Bear treats (the treats will end up back in one of those bags eventually – recycling, people), photos of Doc and Happy my current Cocker Spaniels along with photos of their predecessors Billy and Murphy, a stainless steel dog comb because, well, Cocker Spaniels in full coat.
My wallet, Burt’s Bees tinted lip balm, car keys,hand sanitizer, a floral mask, and always a small on the go knitting project.
Trying to downsize bag size and contents. Now retired, but after 20+ years of rail commuting, which started before I had a cell phone, can’t feel comfortable about jettisoning the mini umbrella, Advil and other items in case of emergency
Being retired, I rarely go anywhere long enough requiring me to carry my “Mary Poppins” bag. But the essentials that go with me everywhere in my smaller bag include a small collection of OTC meds to handle any allergy, headache, or cough, eye drops, lip balm, Kleenex, Splenda tablets, and a Tide pen.
Aiming for minimal: BUJO (Thanks MDK!) + pencil case, phone with license, 2 credit cards, organ and brain donation cards, lip stuff, always dishcloth or fingerless gloves kit.
My bag: Always a small snack, a measuring tape, Chapstick, sunglasses, cash, and a Sharpie!
N-95 mask, sunglasses, Water, emery board, eye drops, keys, and phone with drivers license and a credit card
Honeycomb shawl, wallet,two stitch markers two beekman hand creams, Elipen, marker and you can see the flat lay on instagram @smcarn
Some knitting, lip balm, nail clippers and my phone.
If I take my purse, I have my wallet, lotion, a caribiner with miniature store rewards cards, mini tape measure, pen/pencil/marker, nail clippers, hand sanitizer, notepad, and lots of other odds and ends. Too much stuff, really!!!
Did you ever play that game at bridal showers where you guess what’s in the bride’s (everyday) purse? It was the 90s, so pre ubiquitous cell phones, and I guessed: a piece of paper with a phone number but no name. Sure enough, that was in the bride’s purse. (I’m sure I had the same in my purse, which was why I’d guessed it.
I try to keep every purse/jacket stocked with a pen, a mask, hand sanitizer, lip balm, and some cash. The wallet gets moved as necessary. My kids are bigger, but I remember the early days, when I could’ve used a Sherpa to carry all my Stuff. I once expressed my concern that I’d forgotten something on a road trip. My sister said, “Do you have the baby? Then you’re fine.”
Stay well, everyone!
Argh! Forgot to close the parentheses. Pretend it says: …which was why I’d guessed it.)
Two bags, sometimes three!
Minimalist wallet that can be pocketed…license 2 credit card Costco and Sams cards. Sunglasses. Kindle. A sock knitting
Migraine medication. The rest changes.
My bag has a small knitting project (currently a dishcloth), my wallet, car key, house key ring, work ID and access card, nail clippers, lip balm, a calcium chew or two, almonds, a pen, 2 face masks, a lens wipe for my glasses, hand sanitizer, and a receipt for my serger which has been at the repair shop for 3 weeks now (fingers crossed it will be ready for pick up soon!). This topic reminds me of the old game show “Let’s Make A Deal” when Monty Hall hosted it. . .he would ask contestants if they had some weird item in their purse and if they had it make them a deal for it.
Tiny wallet with cash, cards, driver’s license, vaccination card. Swiss Army knife, leather pouch with writing tools, handmade by me “travelers journal”, little carabiner , extra face masks, tiny hand lotion bottle, very small Spanish/English dictionary.
Zip lock bags!
Socks on needles, book, small tea caddy, tool bag, sanitizer, a few dollars just in case.
Very very small bag currently. cash, 2 credit cards, license, library card, lip gloss, keys. Booyah!
In my daily go back is a (discontinued colour) maker’s canvas saddlebag in a reddish colour which has pens (including my fav fountain pen), fur baby essentials (bags treats and small water bowl), wallet with a small amount of cash (due to a recent internet issue with a carrier not to be mentioned) ear plugs, sunglasses lotion knitting notions folding scissors, face masks tissues notebook keys iPhone, sock knitting project and printed pattern and needles hair accessories and a reusable grocery and most times I tote around a second bag with my nieces hat notebook pen and measuring tape!
My day bag always has my current knitting project plus a spare just in case. Mishmash of knitting tools, iPad, a mask, a granola bar, charger for iPad since it is ancient and a water bottle.
Apart from a wallet for the money and Identity card, tissues, keys, cell phone with a battery and metro card, I always take with me : a book, my diary (can only write while I’m in the metro, don’t know why), another booklet for the ideas of stories and novels to write, a little sketch book, 3 or 4 fountain pen (inked in dark blue, light green, reddish orange, black for drawing) because I only write with them and I choose the color depending of my mood, a drawing pencil, a tape (like Chris, there is always need to measure something), my to-knit-list in case I find The Perfect Wool, some acupuncture needles in case of emergency (I’m an auriculotherapist), a folded tote bag (to store The Perfect Wool the day I will find it).
My bag weighs one ton, but it’s impossible to bring less !
Keys to work, my current knitting project, a pill case, cash, pens, charger for the comm on my motorcycle helmet, my new wallet and an old face mask.
My day bag….a hat I’m working on, a sweater or baby blanket. Wallet with cards, money ID. A pepsi or coke, pens, note pad for pattern names and where to find, reading glasses and/or sunglasses, EOS lip balm, scissors, pack of Kleenex, some kind of candy, keys for car, for mail box, card key for door, pads, a pencil or 2, and cell phone. Yep I guess that’s it, or at least what I can remember what’s inside my small bag. Linda
Just essentials like wallet, keys, little gifts from my granddaughters, lipsticks, pen, checkbook, tide to go pen, receipts.
My tiny bag has the essentials for grabbing it and going. It has my phone, sunglasses, grocery list, pen, 2 masks, keys, antiseptic gel. small zipper pouches – one for money, cards, meter change, and the other with a bandaid, Kleenex, cough drop, eye drops and sometimes emergency chocolate!
It fits in a larger knitting bag with a project on needles and knitting notions pouch – for the waiting room, chat after pot luck dinner, or the latest finished project to show off. I love my knitting bag; inherited from my sister. It has a wicker basket bottom, canvas sides, a single dragon fly motif, leather shoulder handles and baby blue apiary honeycomb print lining with a little pocket that says “live life in full bloom”. A reminder every day of her.
Handmade bag (keyka Lou messenger bag) holds wallet (handmade; sotak Essex wallet) headache meds, keys, pens, tiny notebook, sunglasses, gum
Purse; wallet (including a bunch of grocery cards, library cards etc from places I haven’t lived in years), gum, a sticker, a couple of masks, Burts Bees, old grocery list, sunglasses, 3 pens at the bottom which I can never find when I need them.
Knitting bag (almost always accompanies me because you never know..a long running crochet squares project with yarn and instructions for a few squares, scissors, a metal tape measure, emergency poncho, snack pack of almonds, and some dirt-just got back from an outdoor project which necessitated a little needlework to pass the downtime.
Many, many a bag, on person and also in car. I have had a cowl project in a cute knitting pouch for 4 years (& 2 cars!)
Everything! It is a tote bag and everyone knows to come to me if they need anything from an aspirin to an emergency sewing repair. As a children’s librarian on occasion (like today) it also contains a packet of small jungle bells, a handful of seashells and a matryoshka — representing silver bells, cockle shells and little maids all in a row as props for a program. Ask and there is likely something in my bag that will approximate what you are looking for.
my tiny, tiny purse holds all the stuff: pen, credit cards, frequent visitor cards, change, keys, tissues, bonine, lactaid, anti-itch meds, license, hair elastics, bottle opener. My larger knitting bag? Well that has a bit more – several projects, interchangeable needle set, crochet hooks, tissues, masks, pens, scissors, needles, stitch markers… need I go on? 🙂
Wallet, chapstick, phone, and another bag rolled up small for all my acquisitions
Day Bag: Burt”s Bees Pomegranate, face sunscreen, tape measure, current small travel project-knitted hat in the round, box of animal crackers for me and the Grands.
Phone, sunglasses, wallet, cottonelle wipes, Altoids, Nail clippers,
Not that much alittle money,license,cards cough drops keys. But my knitting bag has project,notions pouch,pattern. I put the purse into the knitting bag and off I go.
I work from home, so I don’t have an EDC loadout most days, but when I do:
Field Notes notebook & a fountain pen (my one Euro pretension from a semester abroad)
Lip Balm & hand cream (developed eczema on my hands last fall, why couldn’t it have been anywhere else?)
Current book &/or knitting project if I know I need to amuse myself
Sunscreen & sunglasses since it’s summer
And the usual pocket-macarena business of wallet/keys/phone/mask
Shorter answer….what isn’t in my bag? Nothing. The answer is nothing. Journal, reading journal, knitting project, not one but two wallets, air pods, pens, separate zipper bag inside main bag that holds a miniature version of virtually everything that is in my bathroom cabinets, also a very cool rock that I unearthed in my backyard that I refer to as my own little piece of “at home on the road”…sometimes I just look at it and sometimes I hold it when I’m feeling anxious. The End
Earbuds, hand sanitizer, chocolate, knitting project
Lots of pens and sharpies, dog poop bags( you never know with dogs!), wristwatch with vet tech decals and second hand, lip balm, Luna bar, breath mints and appointment cards from 2016!
Wallet, pocket knife, reusable shopping bags, pen, pencil and notebook, tape measure, headphones, hand cream, nail clippers and lip balm, mints, sock project in a little wrist bag 🙂
Knitting project & notions (usually a dishcloth), fiction book, notebook & pen, puzzle book, hand sanitizer, phone, cash, sunglasses, &, lately, a mask..
Thanks for the chance at the Skill Set!
Phone, sunscreen, lalane yarn, straight needles, Di Gilpins Coco Take 11 pattern, tape measure, scissors , stitch holder, stitch markers and darning needle
Pen, toothpicks, hand sanitizer, lip balm, sunglasses, ibuprofen, reading material, tissues, a tiny change purse full of magical charms including a Susan B Anthony dollar that went to the Women’s March with me.
A small tape measure and a teeny tiny flashlight that can entertain fidgety grandchildren every time—the rest is just stuff.
Chicken Poop! The lip balm, not the actual poop… A matching coin purse that holds cards, ID, a little cash; keys to the shop; crumpled receipts. A pint glass coozie because you never know when you’re going to pop into a pub & the coozie keeps my fingers dry while I sip and knit. My essential tools pouch, an MKAL project and a crochet project & the Ipad.
Tucked in a little BlueQ pencil pouch, so it’s easy to move from bag to bag, a mom-centric first aid type kit with 1 or 2 of each of the following: bandaids, ibuprofen, single packet handi-wipes, disposable bathroom wipe, thin sanitary pad, safety pins, hair elastics (I have short hair, but my daughter doesn’t), cough drops/dum-dums, ginger chews
I keep it pretty light, my knitting bag, my phone with my ids, and a water bottle
However-I bike so I also have my bike tools on my bike bag 🙂
I am very slowly learning to carry less with me, although it still makes me a little crabby not to have “everything” I want in my bag. But you still won’t catch me without lip balm and a couple of lavender and eucalyptus wipes. I’m ready with both scents in case I (or anyone around) needs to either refresh and relax or refresh and energize!
Tums or equivalent (if life gets too spicy), Neutrogena lip gloss, a wad of bills (hopefully adding up to the price of a cool drink), Kleenex, a few rocks, mask, and a few pooper bags for walking the dog and for whatever nice pigments I find for mud painting.
Wallet, bag o’ personal comfort things (lip balm, hand cream, tiny perfume sample, tin of ibuprofen, zyrtec, and benadryl just in case), all the shopper club cards (argh), reading glasses, miscellaneous receipts, the DVD I need to return to the library.
moisturizing eye drops, wallet, mask, phone, pen, keys
Car key, wallet, hair band, purple gel pen,
Small tissue case, green tea bag, sock knitting project bag, Ginger mints.
Another tale of Pandemic Downsizing: The Baggalini small backpack was acting as my purse. It still holds the Big Wallet, sunglasses case, Swiss Army knife, & smaller bag of Potentially Necessary pharmaceuticals &/or Cosmetics. Outer front pocket holds phone, back pocket has hand sanitizer & extra masks (I think…). This bag came with a 3 x 5ish Very Tiny Zip Bag, which is now what I carry with me into a store or appointment. I stuff it tight with phone, a few dollar bills, driver’s license & debit card, & keys. But I don’t even take it with me if I have pockets enough for keys & debit card! That is all I really need in this brave new world.
Glasses for reading, driving, for being in the sun. Handkerchief, lip balm. Credit card, license, pen, notepad. Phone. Small project. No more or bag won’t close.
Measuring tape, dog biscuit(s), keys/key fob, Kleenex, hand sanitizer, mouthwash (travel size), small writing pad, pens, tiny flashlight, lip balm, lip stick, small mirror, sunglasses. All knitting projects are in their own separate bags!
I always have a Sharpie in order to be ready should someone mistake me for a famous person and ask for my autograph.
Lately I have had too many appointments with medical folks so the bag I carry has: 1) my wallet purse that has what little money I have and credit cards and the like 2) phone 3) calendar 4) keys 5) address book ( a MUST just now as when my phone was updated recently I lost most of my personal contacts) 6) knitting 7) book to read Needless to say, I can never find what I am looking for with any ease when carrying that bag.
My bag looks closest to Ashely’s plus a book. Always prepared!
My sock in progress, spare DPNs, a tiny liquor bottle holding tiny notions, clean underwear, 3 pair of glasses, sunscreen, lip balm, a clean handkerchief, a Baggu, and a pen.
Currently two knitting projects (one for quiet times and one more social), my phone with everything important stuck into the adhesive silicon phone wallet thing, a mask, and my kindle.
My summer go to bag is pretty small. Scissors, pen and a tapestry needle. Money, credit cards, and insurance cards for myself and my mother. Small bottle sanitizer, pad of paper, and some coins. Finally a Werther’s for later.
Wallet, keys, mask, phone, sock project, random receipts and lists, pen
A Leatherman’s multi tool, travel hairbrush, Sugar lip treatment & ibuprofen are vital.
Wallet, current knitting project, smaller bag containing skincare and nail care, lip gloss, glasses and sunglasses, smaller bag containing must- haves for knitting, smaller bag containing travel items just in case. And that’s after a cleanup!
1. A book, always. 2. Personal care bag with meds. 3. Personal care bag with toiletries. 4. Personal care bag with lotions, creams, etc. 5. Reusable shopping bags. 6. A printed list of the books I want to read but don’t yet own. One never knows when a used book sale will be stumbled upon. 7. Headphones. 8. Journal. 9. LOTS of pens. 10. My wallet.
Phone-keys-little wad of cash for farmers market-card case-sunnies-readers-notebook and pen-slice of coffee cake-sock otn
1. Pill organizer (migraine rescue meds), 2. 12 pens (because I may need to make a note). 3. Puppy zipper pouch with lotion, lip glosses, etc.) 4. Glasses case with readers, and sunglasses. 5. Plastic salamander (I have 7 grandkids!). 6. keys with Aldi quarter keytag. 7. Pack of tissues since I am allergic to air. 8.cough drops (see #7). 9. straw from Braum’s
Scissors, tape measure, stitch markers, pen, and hair bands.
Lip balm, hand lotion and a nail file. Always.
Too much! Wallet, keys, sunscreen, stain remover, hand sanitizer, hand sanitizer wipes, tissues (redundant, possibly), pens, old receipts, newer receipts, spare face mask, reusable folding shopping bag. And all this time I have been blaming knitting for my achy shoulders…
Which bag to tell you about? Often I have bags in bags! Pretty sea shells, bits of sand,, lip balm, water bottle, pencil, pen, paper, keys, lint, bits of yarn, and a shawl I started knitting sometime between April and June.
A small bag with lipsticks, hand sanitizer, eye drops, and a couple of different hair containment mechanisms; free-range hair containment tools and lipsticks; wallet with receipts from 2019; 3 colored pens and a bullet journal; an empty shopping bag in case i find a random farmer’s stand while im out and about.
My bag changes from day to day according to my daily schedule. The size changes as well. Of course the constants are wallet, phone, mask, hand sanitizer, tissues and keys. Then comes the auxiliary bag of stuff such as a knitting project or two, and tools, sunglasses, an extra wrap, a snack such as an apple, and my DSRL camera because you never know.
Just the basics. Scissors, ruler, tape measure, needle gauge, counter and markers.
Which bag am I supposed to catalog?!?! Always a pen, lip balm, wallet, sunglasses. Then maybe knitting, chocolate, tissues, hand sanitizer…
I think I was in third grade when my dad announced I had a bottomless bag that held “everything but the kitchen sink”! My purse always has chapstick, hair ties, bobby pins, bandaids, lotion, hand sanitizer, hard candies (they don’t melt), and headache meds in addition to the more usual purse paraphernalia – wallet, sunglasses, keys. I also carry nail clippers – handy for both nails and yarn trimming. I now usually have some reusable totes that fold up small. I was a bridesmaid a few years ago and didn’t have to add much extra to have a “brides emergency kit” for the wedding day – lol!
A day trip or any time spent not driving in the car means I snag a small project bag or two as well. Ideally a simple project so that I can help my spouse watch traffic and not lose my spot knitting. Bonus, the small project bag can roll up and be tucked into my purse just in case!
Random brands of lip gloss & hand lotion, credit cards, loose change, sock knitting, stitch fixer, tin of stitch markers w/ darning needle & random bits of yarn ends. hair thingy, a pretty rock, a Bakugan, and at least two granola bars for hangry kids, sometimes 3.
I have a wallet, a zipper pouch big enough for a pen and a check book (do other people still use check books?), keys, a small hair brush, small note pad and hopefully another pen and a mechanical pencil, phone, several masks, and often a needle gauge, blunt scissors, and a yarn needle (which I keep in my wallet). I still have room for a small sock project bag or extra needles or another ball of yarn depending on what I might be working on but mostly I use other bags for knitting projects.
Purse/wallet too many cards and zero cash.
Hair bobbles and clip. A pen or 10
Cd case containing circular needles.
A part finished crochet bra top, half knitted sock
Beats ear pods with cable otherwise I lose them
Approx 1 billion receipts
A reusable carrier bag from Radley
Random items my granddaughters ask for me to save
A beautiful cloth wallet made with Japanese fabric that I bought from a lovely woman at an outdoor craft sale in December in a place where you can have outdoor craft sales in December. Pens and a notebook. An index card with all my meds and allergies written on it. A kicky little hinged pillbox with a series of tiny little interior doors. A Kleenex pack. A holiday notebook. Hand sanitizer and a sheer rhubarb lippy. Hand cream. Gee whiz, I’ve got to up my game, this is too blah. Thanks for the gentle nudge–have the bag you want to carry in the world, what on earth am I waiting for??!!! Right now, I’m putting a yo-yo in that bag!
Pouch. With all the necessities- scissors ✂️. Tape measure ,needle threader. Stitch markers. Crochet hooks of different sizes. Darning needles Mini crochet hook. Bandaids Stitch holders.
Bag holds direction, project, MDK book and iPad to access all !!! Love MDK
Phone, wallet, subway pass and earbuds, zip bag with inhalers and spacer, zip bag with health and beauty , tiny notebook and pilot frixion pen, reading material, water, nuts and tea bags.
Which bag!?!? I have a Dagne Dover hip bag with my wallet, keys, sunglasses, lip balm, sometimes my Kindle, and phone. Loved this blog post
Mask, phone, 1 credit card, license, earbuds
Adult stuff i.e. credit cards, driver’s license, bag of toiletries i.e. nail file to prevent snags on yarn, lip balm, hand lotion, tylenol and advil, breath mints
Plus a sock in progress
Black Honey, First Aid ultra repair cream, laptop, charger, glasses, sunglasses, keys, badge, plastic box of blackwing pencils and fountain pens, hairbrush and hair containment devices, phone, earbuds, thin notebook, day designer, tictacs, protein bar, sodastream bottle for refilling my stanley cup.
Definitely a knitting project; small wallet; cell phone; another expandable bag; hair tie; lip gloss
Wallet, phone, lipstick, dental floss. Small package of Kleenex, COVID vaccination card, a knitting project. I guess I’m kind of minimalist, otherwise I get overwhelmed with my own stuff.
Credit cards, phone, change, cough drops, mask,inhaler. I have allergies.
My day to day bag contents include, but are not limited to, dental floss, a small tape measure, a nail file, lip balm, and a tiny tin of Maldon sea salt (for those food emergencies where none is to be found).
I always carry a purse and a bag, sometimes a bag for my granddaughter. In our knitting bags, we each have a zip bag with essentials: measuring tape, markers, scissors, stitch holders, crochet hooks, DPNs, etc. The has the project bag and small container of hard candy. Anything we need to swap that day goes in too. We trek these to the LYS.
Not much since I walk everywhere. Some cash, driver’s license, credit card, Kleenex, sunglasses, phone and usually 2 or 3 lists of whatever I need since I always forget something!!
No purse, just a “pocket purse.” Cash, cards, you know. Plus knitting bag with whatever WIP called my name that day. Plus, every knitting tool I have, ‘cause you never know!
Sunglasses, sunscreen, wallet, keys. Shopping bag. Basic.
laptop, chapstick, wallet, mask
Phone, license, credit card: summer minimalism. Once school starts again, bag size and weight increase about a million percent.
Knitted Knockers in progress, sunglasses, credit card and driver’s license. Oh and my library card.
Well there’s my pocketbook – wallet, phone, pens, note pad, pen knife, and several dozen store receipts i have yet to throw away, and then there’s my knit bag, with one and sometimes two WIPs, tape measure, a couple dbl points, crochet hook, some markers, and pattern directions. I don’t leave home without them.
Mask, lip balm, slim wallet, sock project, phone, hand gel.
Sock yarn, a size 0 circ, sticky notes, and a chibi
It’s almost Back to school and-teachers gonna teach. Bag is cotton bag from the Louvre giftshop. 1. Lesson plan book, 2. Assorted pens, pencils etc-a girl needs options. 3. My Hebrew textbook for a few minutes of study, 4. My current sock project.
Phone, wallet, nail clippers, lip balm, nail file, mints, mask, receipts, hair brush, sock (still on needles)
Wallet, keys, chocolate, mask, hair ties/head band, more chocolate, pens/pencil, stitch markers, latest WIP. Plus old receipts that really need to be thrown out.
Wallet (credit cards, Red Cross donor card for blood type, list of medications I’m allergic to) brush, notebook and pens, phone, earphones, hand sanitizer and lip balm, masks, a knitting project for any waiting ( dish cloth or vanilla socks), receipts, a seashell, a rock with the word hope.
I just won a prize at a Bridal shower for the most “stuff” in my bag, and my knitting wasn’t even in there!
Wallets(2)…why?;comb, cosmetic bag with lip stuff, Altoids, car keys, pictures of grandchildren, checkbook, masks, pen, sunglasses, phone, small knitting project, and I can never find anything!
Crammed in a showerproof Orla Kiery rucksack that is collapsing under the strain: cloth mask, cheque needing banked, old school paper diary, purse, chequebook, woolly mittens BECAUSE SCOTLAND, Kleenex BECAUSE SNUFFLY, triptans for migraines BECAUSE OW, emergency almond high protein ball, seasickness meds ( from stormy ferry trip to Orkney ) pencil, sketchbook in case Muse drops by, 3 Sharpies for random book signings, spare mask because youngest always forgets, rare Valentines card from OH, birthday card from eldest daughter , little note from youngest daughter, current knitting project ( Sophie Ochera’s Trouville cardigan in a pre-steek stage on tiny US1 circular needles) phone, hussuf ( tiny leather roll with thimble, thread and needles)
I’m a minimalist. Case with phone, cards, photos of grandkids. Glasses. Sunglasses, at least 2 pairs, stamps from national parks. 2 cloth masks, knit bag with the beginning of the “N” square for alphabet blanket for new grand baby due in September. Got to get crackin on that.
My big bag holds mostly little bags. One for emergency cosmetics and bug balm, one for 3 sets of keys, one for cards and cash, one for charger and earbuds, and THE KNITTING BAG (usually socks and all the needed doodads). Then the usual stuff: the real set of keys, glasses, sunglasses, snack, phone, hair elastic, and (sadly) pepper spray.
I haven’t figured out how to post on Instagram but I can at least be heard here! This bag is the ticket for travel/shopping!
Wallet, glasses, brush, epipen, notebook, pen, lip gloss, keys, phone, hand sanitizer, masks, and current knitting project (socks).
I always carry two- a knitting bag with one of my current projects and my personal day bag. In the car on our sailboat and to any appointments or house. Knitting day bag includes foldable scissors, crochet hook, markers, tapestry needle, tape measure, small bendable six-inch ruler and nail files. My personal bag includes sunglasses, covid masks, house keys, purse, separate coin purse and car keys.
Wallet, keys, epi pens ( pecan allergy ): lip gloss, pads, and a small bag with a pair of socks! Always have socks with me!
My bag has wallet, keys, phone, altoids, rosary, hand sanitizer, first aid kit, and a small knitting project (right now it is socks)
Wallet, hand sanitizer, more hand sanitizer and an extra mask!
Hand cream with sunscreen. Lip gloss with sunscreen. Glasses cleaning-cloth. Ear buds. Gum. Sunglasses.
Notions kit, loaded Kindle, Burt’s Bees lip balm, eyeglasses, phone-wallet, KNITTING
An N95 mask, a surgical mask, tissues, wallet with cash and stuff, a pen, a nail file, and my phone.
You can”t fit much in a tiny bag so that’s it.
It’s interesting what everyone considers essential. My bag consists of a set of interchangeable knitting needles, hand lotion, stitch markers, scissors, measuring tape, crochet hook for fixes, paper & pen, cotton/bamboo yarn and written pattern for mesh market bag I’m making. Sometimes my audible e-book.
At minimum: phone, wallet, keys, sunglasses. More likely also: Advil, hand lotion, chapstick, glasses cloth, nail file, dental floss, tampon, tea bags, covid vaccine card, and probably a dog poop bag.
Wallet, hair scrunchy, work ID, mask, pen and notebook, lip balm, phone glasses and sunglasses, receipts, tea bags, cough drops, brush, nail file and tissues,
I forgot keys!
Lip balm, lactaid, prescription sunglasses, protein bar, maybe a banana, and a Water bottle. Knitting is in its own bag which may also have a protein bar and gum or mints.
I’m a minimalist for my daily bag: money, cards, phone, lipstick in a small cross-body bag with protection from cyber-snoopers, like I need that in my little burg. And usually a mess of receipts though I usually refuse them. They pile up, apparently they like company.
My day bag is minimal. Lip balm, credit card, cash, hair tie, handkerchief, AirPods, phone and small knitting project.
Phone & Apple Headphones in case I get stuck somewhere. For a trip, always some knitting.
What’s in my bag? Phone. Take along fix it kit, (scissors/chibi/tiny crochet hook/measuring tape). Take along project of the moment, (currently the starting rows of what will be a monster shawl). Keys. Lip gloss. Cash & cards, unless they fit into my pockets. Just in case I need stop at the market, or another shop, more bags!
Laying it out today means more stuff than usual as I am off to the Highland Games to listen to my Husband play in a Ceilidh tent in 40*c (104*f). I have a water bottle (refillable), my knitting small tool kit, socks on which I am working, sun block, wallet, phone for producing e-ticket to event, palm sized brush, hair elastic and clip, cloth handkercheif, facial moisture spray, acetaminophen and under tongue migraine meds. I have a tiny notebook, a favourite pen, and some of DH’s CDs. I think that’s it but I might still add…
Wallet, calendar, notebook, work keys, home\ car keys, pouch with 2 lip glosses and a lip balm, another pouch with lotion, bandaids, antibacterial cream, many pens (can never find one when I need one), protein bar, library book, another little notepad (just because), scarf.
No bag…fanny pack with only the essentials: credit card, medical card, car key. Leaves hands open for basket with knitting project. I travel lightly and simply.
Not much to see here. Just the usual, wallet, checkbook, keys, pens in a pen case, Kleenex. Very boring , sorry!
Mine looks a lot like Ashley’s but with smaller knitting and snacks. I must say, I am a little envious of her TARDIS bag.
Work planner, iPad, bullet journal, wallet, see-through face mask, checkbook, lady products, Nuun hydration tablets, makeup, and random spoons (because you never know!)
Credit/debit/license/insurance/COVID vax card. Chapstick. Pen. Nail file. Phone. Advil. Resetting drops. Hand cream. And too many old receipts.
I only have a small clutch sized bag to keep my carrying-around to a minimum. Of course, it fits into a larger bag with my laptop, notebook, chargers, and more pens for work. Or into my school laptop, knitting, kindle/notebook bag for jaunts.
Snacks. Nothing is worse than being hangry.
Well, credit cards, check books (what are those?) phone, pen, a LOT of change, emergency cash and gift cards that have mystery amounts charged in them. Several forms of ID, insurance cards. Hand Sanitizer and soft tooth picks. And of course lip balm/chap sticks. It all packs down well.
tiny knit repair tool, cash, coins, card, receipts, ID, proof of vaccine, lip balm, arnica tablets, pen, sunglasses, business cards, reward cards, challenge coin, handkerchief, phone, lint
Oh–I forgot, because they are Tucked Away in the discreet zip pocket: something for bleeding emergencies; stamps; traveler’s check
Half torn envelopes with cancelled stamps for my friend. Mini Totes umbrella that was pink from the factory, but now has brown and gray edges when folded.Mug and fork to be returned to my office. Took it home to run through dishwasher. Value size bag Vitamin C drops. Bought it on our way to Chesapeake Bay to celebrate our 25th in 2020. Shark bare floor fabric cover that I took home to wash. Ink cartridge to bring to Staples. Plastic eco friendly spoon. Receipt from credit card machine to match at Staples. July/August Rolling Stone. May and June RDH magazines. Brown Sharpie fine point. This bag has a key leash, but I don’t use it because sometimes I leave the bag home.
My bag always has a ‘bus’ project, small easily picked up and put down knitting… chapstick, small leather wallet, and sunglasses.
Let’s see–wallet, readers, phone, pen, ginger candies, nail file, that’s about it! Maybe a knitting project-depends where I’m headed.
Pen, paper, charger, earphones, tissues, water bottle, almonds, small WIP.
Lip balm, sanitizer, tissues, nail file, own, band aids, Id & credit cards, cash, phone
In mine I have yarn, more yarn, and more yarn. Then there are stitch markers, scissors, tapestry needle, a circular 16 inch long US 7, paper, lint roller, fingernail file, hand sanitizer, and sunglasses.
Loose change, dry wipes, loose dollar bills. iPad, charger cords and external battery pack. Pattern for Broken Brioche scarf, yarn and needles.
In my bag I have a knitting project, a word puzzle book, small wallet, packages of sweetner, a To Do list, two pens, a mask, a travel sewing kit, and travel scissors.
I have two levels. 1) Always with me, my current project with the accompanying g small pouch with tape measure, highlight tape, scotch tape (so I can take my pattern to a dashboard), darning needles, cable holder, small scissors, and more; 2) a purse with my iPhone, Kindle, ear buds, wallet, hair pick, and emergency meds. The 2nd level is in case a hospital stop is needed: a couple pair of panties, a backup knitting or crochet project (often cotton and crochet hook for dishcloths), a more robust knitting tools bag, and chargers for my phone & kindle.
1. Money. 2. Keys. 3. Lip gloss. 4. Hair tie
I almost never go anywhere these days, but I keep a bag together to just grab for when I do. It currently has four masks: the N95 I’m currently using in a paper bag, a spare N95, my cloth mask with filter, and my niece’s cloth mask with filter. (I only wear the cloth mask when I’m with my niece, so we’ll match and she’ll hopefully mimic my good masking behavior.) I also have two kinds of chapstick and some Sugar colored lip balm, which I never actually use these days because of masks. There’s a pouch containing one of the chapsticks, spare tampons, pantyliners, hair ties, and barrettes—basically emergency stuff. Things are rounded out with my hand sanitizer and wallet. At the last minute before leaving, I’ll throw in my iPhone and whatever book I’m reading and/or a knitting project. Oh, and I usually have some Annie’s organic snack pouches for my niece with cheddar bunnies or gummies for any snacking emergencies, usually hers, but in a pinch, they’ll do for mine as well.
When I was a teacher in NYC, I carried a much bigger bag (or two) with a lot more stuff.
A food journal because I’m old school, socks in progress in a lantern moon bag, a packable sundress so I can be ready to go out in like 2 minutes, an extra tumbler.
Knitting, of course! Hand lotion, pen, wallet, keys, kleenex, and reading glasses.
Reusable straw, charger, notebook, wallet, three pair of sunglasses (depends on how sunny the day is!), Prescription glasses and sunglasses (what if I lose a contact?), notes from arecent boars meeting. Knitting is in a separate bag!
Hand sanitizer.mask.wallet.keys.water bottle.sock project.
I still carry a big and kind of heavy bag (comparatively speaking; I’m used to its heft!): in addition to a wallet with all the necessaries, there’s an umbrella, hand sanitizer, dental floss, key fob for the car, office key card, office key fob, reader glasses, bifocal reader glasses, a magazine, a face mask, Blistex, shiny mint flavored lip gloss, random pens. Probably other stuff hidden in dark corners that we don’t talk about.
Tissues, Altoids, Big Spoon Roasters cherry chocolate peanut butter bar ,hair ties, pen, charger cord,umbrella, hand lotion, tums, wet wipes, winter mask, summer mask, bag of medical masks … too many masks …. brush, pen, sunglasses and a flashlight. This was an eye opener LOL
Gimmes include spectacles (Rx sunnies and regular), wallet (wee pouch with a $ card, ID, proof of health insurance, random cash, Burt’s Bees lip balm—pineapple!—and a Tile tracker), “watch” (phone), water bottle, and the I Am Not OK^tm. [The I Am Not OK^tm is a purple Nancy’s Knit Knacks container repurposed as a pill dispensary, complete with tiny labels on all the compartments (acetaminophen, naproxen sodium, ibuprofen, generic Excedrin, Tums, Kayaks—if you know you know—and emergency migraine drug rizatriptan benzoate). See me if you have a headache.]
Usually also present: a USB charging cable for “watch”, 7 year pen, notebook of some description, reusable bag that scrunches into a tiny ball and zips shut, N95 masks in various states of usage. All that and a project bag or two (currently one with a mosaic dishcloth).
HARD AND FAST RULE: only one bag! It can be huge, but everything going with me must fit into a single bag. Multiple bags WILL be accidentally abandoned.
My bag includes a wallet, checkbook, keys, brush, junk journal, aspirin, gum, jump drives, business cards, nail file, chore list.
Phone, wallet, keys, mask, sunnies, bandana, bandaids, favorite pen, magic tweezers, my favorite reusable bag. Knitting, books, or other entertainment is a second bag.
See-thru pouch with bandaids, hair clips, contact lens solution and case, purell, lip stick, spare clown nose.
Mask, Keys, chargers, planner, book, pens, often knitting.
Wallet. Kn95 + some extra surgical masks. Keys. Phone. Hand sanitizer (I carried this king before covid — apparently mom’s rule of washing my hands before eating really stuck); sometimes knitting sometimes a section of the newspaper. Water. Tissues – for allergies. A pen – because I’m old I still believe in pens. Sometimes a list, although it almost never gets looked at.
Keys, wallet, phone, lip gloss, knitting, water bottle
wallet, keys, phone, tissues, credit card receipts!
My bag has something small to knit, hand sanitizer, face mask, pen and my phone!
Wallet, keys, hand sanitizer, mask, Kleenex tissue packet, Pilot G207 in black, lipstick, tiny tin of breath mints, extra twisty ties from the grocery (swiped so that I can add them to my collection at home–it’s running low!).
Billfold; bottle of stevia powder; strawberry Carmex stick; wipes; notepad & pen; headphones; phone; 1 day of meds; sunglasses; hairbrush and a current WIP (usually a dishcloth) with my small tool box.
I gotta have stitch markers, in all my project bags.
Phone, sunglasses, readers, cuticle serum, lip gloss, ins. Card, debit card, $20
Phone, AirPods, battery pack and cord, keys, powder, lippies, mascara, brow pencil, a bag with wipes of every kind (bug, sunscreen, cleaners, eyeglasses), mini toothbrush and 7-days of meds. Keys, wallet, tiny coin purse, hand cream, a sock-in-progress or some other small project tucked into a ziploc. Water bottle, mini purse when the above seems too heavy….etc.
I carry my cash and license with my phone. The bag that I carry most is a “Wreck It Ralph” message bag with my latest project, scissors, tape measure, pen and notebook with project notes, earbuds, and small lights that hook to my glasses. Sometimes I throw my wallet into this bag when I don’t want to carry my purse. I almost never leave home without something to work on, since it helps with my anxiety.
Just got back from France with a case of Covid, but here is what was in my bag for the trip: 1. Current small knitting pr8oject; socks until they were finished, and then a small scarf, the kind that has a loop at one end to pull the other end through. 2. tape measure. 3. Coin purse with Euros. 4. Tissues. 5. Cough drops. 6. Spare masks. 7. Hand sanitizer. 8. Covid vaccine card; breakthrough cases happen. 9. Cell phone/camera and we’ll always have Paris!
I’m carrying around most of what Ashley has in her bag, plus a collapsible coffee cup and my day planner.
Wallet, keys, sock knitting binkwaffle bag, glasses, charger, ibuprofen, mint Aragon lip balm, squashed Pennies and gum!
nail clippers…essential, every knitting bag, every bag
Wallet, keys, phone, hand sanitizer, planner, notions pouch and current knitting project. And old receipts I haven’t thrown away.
My wallet, car and house keys, masks, tissues(allergies to many things), hand sanitizer, prescription sun glasses, phone, reusable bags (our state doesn’t provide free bags when you shop), single use toothbrushes- because I am me! If I take a knitting project that requires a different bag but it usually has only the basics.
knitting project
small scissors
why more?
Some days I have four bags: a briefcase, a handbag, a computer bag, and a lunch bag. Other days I leave the house with a phone and a house key. But IF I look only in my handbag, it usually has a notebook, pen, keys, phone, sunglasses, house keys, work ID, car key on a lanyard, tissues, and, lately, my toe-up sock project. I love a portable knitting g project!
Delong which bag but lip junk, always lip junk!
Knitting supplies and snacks!!
I love this topic! Mine is a leather tote bag: mask, coloredpens, hand sanitizer, emery board, bullet journal, iPad Mini, iPhone, wallet knitting project bag , CVS coupons, lip gloss bullet journal and portable purse hook
yarn, current project (throw), wallet, crds, pen, mechanical pencil (for crosswords), cross word from the Sunday newspaper, small tablet, keys, tissues.
Too much stuff: water bottle, sunscreen, sunglasses, small coin and card purse for regular use, massive purse with less-used cards, phone, keys, work pass, kindle, notebook/journal and pen, multiple bottles of hand sanitiser, masks in a zipped pouch, paper tissues, tampons and sanitary towels, hair band, nail file, tiny makeup bag containing lip balms and gloss. And a Swisscard multitool. No wonder I’m finding it heavy.
My son graduated from high school, so I no longer have to carry around everything in the whole wide world! I’ve pared down to a tiny crossbody bag for running around town. It has my car key fob clipped on the back, my driver’s license, my bank card and my iPhone. It’s fantastic! It hardly weighs enough to hold itself down. But I have realized that I need to stuff one tube of Burt’s Bees Honey Lip Balm in for it to be just right. (Now my stitching bag, which my husband calls my Busy Bag, has a current project with all the notions to work on it in the car.)
Usually too much. Want to be prepared for anything!
Bare minimum heading out: Drivers license, credit card, $, lipstick, sunglasses, phone, pen & 3×5 cards, scarf tied to bag handle.
Wallet, phone, keys, sunglasses, regular glasses case, pens, throat lozenges(left over from my last cold), lip gloss, ibuprofen, bandaids, and female parts items(can I add that peri-menopause is bulls#%t)
My phone
The usual credit card, cash, ID, lip balm, dog biscuits, and granola bar. Cause when hunger stricks you got to be prepared. Knitting in separate bag!!!
Tiny bag – phone nail file reading glasses wallet wrinkled receipts and lip balm.
Small knitting project, tea bags, KIND bar, scissors, knitting notions, hand lotion, tissues, mask, sanitizer, lip balm, cash, notepad and pencil.
In addition to my wallet and phone (of course), my purse holds: chapstick, Advil, hand sanitizer, hand lotion, tissues, masks, at least two notebooks, pencils and pens, portable charger, the tiniest pocket knife, tiny scissors, measuring tape, a knitting fix-it tool, and probably some stitch markers burrowed in the seams. Oh, and a nail file. I carry whatever knitting project I’m working on separately in its own bag, usually with just the yarn, needles, and pattern since my purse already has knitting tools in it.
Kind bar, small pack cookies, small pack other kind of cookies, tiny scissors, sock project, masks x 3 ( at least), a pen, pad, measuring tape, water, maybe chocolate if I remembered to replace it after I ate it yesterday.
Wallet, mask/s, reusable bag, knitting project, book, phone, lots of lip stuff, assorted detritus.
Re-employed my Coach backpack because I’m on grand jury duty one day a week for the next 16 weeks. My wallet, phone, charger, a paperback, hairbrush, Blistex, and a small project bag. I have a very tiny pair of scissors that are security approved, and a small knit or crochet or both project.
Wallet, keys (work, car, and home), lipstick, masks (sometimes utility, sometimes fashion), pen, hand sanitizer, receipts (why?), Ibuprofen, hand cream, nail file, current mail polish, hair brush, phone, sunglasses, and small makeup bag. (With all this stuff, my knitting and a book are in a separate bag!)
mirror, hair brush, wallet, lip gloss, loose money, current sock project.