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Dear Kay,

Look who’s on Fruity Knitting!

Andrew and Andrea, those intrepid, globetrotting video podcasters, have tracked down one of our favorite knitting geniuses, Jillian Moreno.

She spins! She designs! She teaches! She writes for MDK! (Scroll down for links to her ongoing master class in the nature of yarn and fiber).

Her book Yarnitecture: A Knitter’s Guide to Spinning captures so much about yarn—it’s for anyone curious about what makes a yarn distinctive.

We’re proud to have Jillian’s wisdom here on MDK. Jillian is a complete delight—enjoy this visit with her.




  • I watch Fruity Knitting all the time; it is my favorite podcast. I enjoyed Jillian’s interview. She has a lot of energy and enthusiasm. It was nice to see and hear her “in person”.

  • Yarn goddess, indeed! Jillian, you are the best. Thank you for all of the wisdom you’ve shared here about fiber. Wow. This video should be watched more than once for what can be applied to our knitting, let alone for the spinning tips that we love Jillian for.

  • Came on this the other day and, as usual, Jillian is brilliant. She is very enjoyable to listen to, and such knowledge! Wow!

  • If you enjoy Fruity Knitting just a small Patreon contribution regularly will allow them to keep doing these brilliant podcasts. They have no commercial sponsors and their content is free. Let’s show them some support. Info is on their website.

  • This is such a wealth of information. Its fabulous to learn Thankyou very much for your videos. Tips.and education. Superb

  • MDK and Fruity Knitting: The two things that keep my knitting world most interesting. Love them both! And support them both too!

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